The Call
(S) Scripture
Luke 5:10b-11
Then Jesus said to Simon, "Don't be afraid; from now on you will fish for people." 11 So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.
(O) Observation
When Peter listens to Jesus' suggestion he catches more fish than his nets and boat can hold. Jesus then calls Peter to follow and Peter and his partners, James and John, immediately leave to go with Jesus
(A) Application
God's call in my life was and continues to be an important and significant event. I can remember distinctly the time and place. I was 15 and at the Sr. High Camp at Cowen, the West Virginia Baptist Camp. Rev. Elizabeth Caudill was the camp pastor and she challenged us to listen for God's call to "full-time" ministry. I sensed in my heart that God was calling me and so I responded that night. The call is sometimes hard to follow especially when you have to leave family and friends, but never really difficult because there is no better place to be than where God wants you to be.
When things get frustrating and I begin to wonder if I could be doing something else with less stress and strain, I am drawn back to the call of God in my life. Can I do something else, the answer is both yes and no. Yes, I am capable of doing something else. No, I cannot and do not want to abandon the Call of God in my life.
(P) Prayer
Father, I don't know why you called me but I know that you did and for that I thank you. I ask that you sustain and empower me to fulfill your call in my life. Amen
Robin, you are and have been my big brother in the Lord for many years. I too, remember the many camps we attended together both at Cowen and at Ona. I thank God for the godly men and women who diligently followed God's leading to generate those summer camps where countless children and teens made life-changing commitments. Your parents, my parents, Eber Bowles and so many others who sacrificed and labored to keep camping weeks going strong year after year. I too, made my commitment to follow God's call into full-time ministry at camp, as you know. Yes, we do get discouraged occasionally and tired but we will not quit because of God's call. Serving Him is our joy and hope. He said, "I have plans for you, to help you not to harm you, to give you hope and a wonderful future." (Jer. 29:11 - Robinson version) Thanks for walking with the Lord and serving Him with all of your heart, soul and strength. Blessings, Jim Robinson
Do you wonder, "Why was Peter afraid?" Afraid of leaving the comfortable environment of his business? Afraid of failure? Afraid of the unknown? Afraid of the risks? Perhaps even afraid of success, knowing that success brings its own anxieties? Yet whatever the fear Jesus had promised to stay with him. Ministry is filled with fears, isn't it? But the good news is that the One who calls also accompanies. He who helps us out of the boat gives us his hand and continues to hold us in His hand regardless. Be not afraid Pastor Robin!! He's got you! "Bud"
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