Rainbow Promises
(S) Scripture
Genesis 9:16 (NIV)
Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.
(O) Observation
The rainbow is a sign of an everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures. The language used might lead one to think that God might forget, but that is not in His nature. My guess is that He used that language to remind us of His faithfulness to His promises.
(A) Application
The memory is quite vivid. I was travelling a two lane road in the mountains of West Virginia on a rainy day and was following a coal truck. Bethany was with me and I suppose I was complaining out loud about being behind a coal truck and the weather when she looks at me and says, "Daddy, why don't we look for a rainbow?" I was immediately put in my place and repented. Together we looked for that rainbow and my attitude changed. Today I am preparing for the funeral of a friend. Tina Droscha was a godly and faithful woman. She lost a 14 year battle with cancer this week but in that loss she gained Heaven. As I talk with her family and friends I am reminded to look for the rainbow. The everlasting promise is found in Jesus. I thank God for the knowledge that death is not the end but only the beginning for the person of faith.
A friend of mine from southern Chile says that they can see a full circle rainbow at times. How cool would that be? The never ending circle of the everlasting promise of God. Bethany had it right, it's time to look for rainbows.
(P) Prayer
Lord keep reminding me of your everlasting promises and when I forget help me to remember to look for a rainbow. Amen
The image depicted here appears to be using anthropomorphic terms. Obviously God doesn't need to look at the sign to "remember." He is painting an image that enables mere human beings to relate to his character. Otherwise, he becomes incomprehensible to mere mortal minds. Some have also suggested that in lieu of the term "remember" the term "recognizes" may even be better. Either way, the good news is that we possess a covenant relationship with him that guarantees his faithfulness and our security. Amen! Bud
God's faithfulness also serves as a model for faithfulness to us. Even in the storm and flood, he was faithful. Thank you for being a faithful pastor during the recent "storm of deaths" our church family has experienced. Your gracious, caring and compassionate approach in Tina's and John's death has touched lives and encouraged hurting spirits.
i want to know who is the sending Pastor of Pastor Carl EDwin Gormley of Calvary Baptist Church Philppines pls send ur cel. no and i want to talk to u very impt.
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