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(S) Scripture
Acts 18:24-26 (NIV)
24 Meanwhile a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, came to Ephesus. He was a learned man, with a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures.
25 He had been instructed in the way of the Lord, and he spoke with great fervor and taught about Jesus accurately, though he knew only the baptism of John.
26 He began to speak boldly in the synagogue. When Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they invited him to their home and explained to him the way of God more adequately.
(O) Observation
The Lord had Priscilla and Aquila at the right place, they had traveled there with Paul, at the right time. They heard Apollos speak and realized that he knew the scriptures but his knowledge was not complete. Apollos received their instruction and learned the way of God more adequately or deeply.
(A) Application
In my experience great teachers are always open to deeper understanding. Apollos was not offended or put off by the instruction from Priscilla and Aquila. He was drawn to it and embraced their instruction. I want to have that attitude. Although I am called on to teach I want to continue to learn from those who will take my understanding of the Lord to a deeper level. For that to happen I must be open to it. I must put my ego in check and submit to the instruction I need. I thank God that He is never finished with us and the opportunity to grow is always in front of us.
(P) Prayer
Lord help me to recognize the teachers in my life that will deepen my walk with you. Help me to learn from them so that I might walk closer to you. Help me to bring others along with me in the learning process. Amen
I came across your blog today. It is great! I want to ask you to please keep our ministry in your prayers. We have an orphanage in India for street and abandoned kids. Blessings!
-Delilah Colleen
One wonders where Apollos was on his journey of faith. The text appears to be unclear. The reference to "The Scriptures" probably refers to the teachings of the OT. As a good Jewish student, he would have had a deep understanding of the Torah, Wisdom Literature and more. It's also clear that he had a Christology that was accurate from an historical perspective. Yet the statement that he knew only the baptism of John seems to insinuate that his baptism may have been more deeply associated with the Qumran community rather than a baptism that was associated with repetence...all of which leads me to believe that he was well on his way in his journey of faith but still lacked the complete Christ-connection. It reminds me that we may encounter individuals who are very close to making the final decision to become followers of Jesus. Isn't this also a reminder that we dare not assume that simply because one possesses accurate intellectual information that one is a follower of the Christ? Does it not remind us of the importance of investigating and discussing faith issues with them. As the old saying goes, "better to be safe than sorry"???? "Bud been gone a while."
How often people talk a good game but their hearts are far from God. Well said, "Bud"
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