Friday, September 12, 2008

Life Journal 09-12-2008 Our Own Devices

Our Own Devices

(S) Scripture
Psalm 81:11-12 (NASB77)
11 "But My people did not listen to My voice; And Israel did not obey Me.
12 "So I gave them over to the stubbornness of their heart, To walk in their own devices.

(O) Observation
The psalmist has described God's goodness and now turns to Israel's waywardness. When they did not listen or obey God gave them over to the stubbornness of their hearts and to their own devices.

They were left to live on their own without God's provision or protection or guidance.

(A) Application
Left to my own devices I am doomed to failure in every area of my life. My devices are deceitful and wicked and selfish. I only look out for myself and my own. That is somewhat descriptive of the world in which I live but it is not how I want to live. The answer is to listen to God and to obey Him. Then I will not be left to my stubbornness or my own devices. I cannot imagine life on my own apart from God's grace. Some have accused the Christian faith as being a psychological crutch for those who cannot cope with life on their own. It is not a crutch to me it is an Iron Lung – I simply cannot live without the presence and power of God in my life.

(P) Prayer
Father, I want to listen to and obey You. I want to live in the center of Your grace and will for my life. Keep me from a stubborn heart and spare me from my own devices. Amen


Anonymous said...

Pastor Robin, There's a passage in the old KJV that reads, "My spirit will not always strive with man." Do you think that this verse combined with the verse you shared means that a person can become so disobedient that God will give up on them and thus, they will have no chance to repent ever? If so, that's scarey to me.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure that "God gives up" on us as much as I believe that He refuses to violate our freedom to choose and therefore we harden our hearts to the point that we no longer hear His call. That to is scary. The good news for me is that I cannot know a persons heart and so I continue to share the gospel with those that I meet.