Thursday, November 5, 2009

Life Journal 11-05-2009

What a Testimony

(S) Scripture
And they praised God because of me.
Galatians 1:24 (NIV)

(O) Observation
Paul make this simple but profound comment in sharing about his ministry and travels for the sake of the gospel. The churches in Judea had not yet met Paul but had heard his story. They praised God because of what they had heard about Paul. His changed life caused them to praise God.

(A) Application
I want the Lord to work in my life in such a way that when people hear about it they praise God. I want to live in such a way that it causes people to praise God. I want my life to point people to Jesus. I can think of no greater testimony that others could give about my life than, "they praised God because of me."

(P) Prayer
Lord, do your work in me, knock off the rough edges and help me to live for you. Fill me with the Holy Spirit and let me point others to you today. I pray that my life will cause others to praise you. Amen



Anonymous said...

I totally agree. Yet, I also note that a subtle form of self-centeredness could sneak into the desire that others would praise God through us. Can't you just hear it? "They're praising God becaue of ME! Wow...I'm really good at this!" Yes, I know that in such circumstances God probably won't be praised, but there could lie the subtle temptation. Of course as Paul noted, if Christ is preached (and I might add if God is glorified) why worry about motivation????? Bud

Robin Crouch said...

I think Paul was simply amazed that anyone would praise God because of his story. I see no hint of self-centeredness in this passage but I see a great deal in the lives of people and some preachers today who simply want the praise and adoration of others.