Watch Out
(S) Scripture
I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them.
For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people.
Romans 16:17-18 (NIV)
(O) Observation
In his parting words Paul reminds the Roman believers to "watch out" for those who teach and lead contrary to what they had learned from him. Today that would be what the scripture teaches. There are those who pretend to serve God but are not. They are serving their own appetites and are good at deceiving others. These false teachers were to be avoided.
(A) Application
In addition to the obvious warning, this is a call to examine my motives in serving God. In a recent study of the book of Jude I saw the severe judgments that God will bring to false teachers and to those that follow them. Jude also tells believers how to respond to these people. There are plenty of "health and wealth" and "name it –claim it" gospel preachers proclaiming their message today. Many are smooth talkers, deceive many and are living large. I must never fall into that camp. In fact part of my role as pastor is to protect people from these ungodly teachings and teachers. It is difficult when they have the power or TV and large congregations and promise that God wants me to be healthy, wealthy and wise. The truth is that God has called us to much more than temporal things. He has called us to live in His presence, to love as he loved, to serve as he served, to suffer as he suffered and to live life in the power of the Holy Spirit as He intended it to be lived. In sickness or in health, in poverty or in wealth, God has called me to follow Jesus and to do so fully depending on God to supply my needs. That is where I want to live today. I want to preach and teach only what is consistent with the Scriptures. I want my life to point others to the Savior.
(P) Prayer
Lord, reveal to me any selfish motive I might harbor in serving you so I can confess it and move away from it. Use me today to speak and live your word. Amen
Isn't it tragic however how some "fundamentalists" will abuse this text to mean that believers should "come apart" from individuals with whom they don't agree, even on some of the most minor tenants of theology, i.e. eschatology, pneumatology and the like? It's essential that we remember that the "learnings" to which the writer refers does refer to some of the less essential aspects of the Christian faith. Unfortunately, I know many five point Calvinists for example who avoid fellowship with individuals with whom they don't agree...and they use this kind of a text to prove (or should I say prooftext) their point. Have a blessed Christmas pastor! "Bud"
oops....on my last post, line 8 should have the word "not" in's essential that we remember that the learnings to which the writer refers does not refer...for one who takes the text seriously, you'd think I'd get it right!!
Oops...line 8 should have the word "not" in it. It's essential that we remember that the learnings to which the writer refers does NOT refer......
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