Naming Fraud
(S) Scripture
See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.
Colossians 2:8 (NIV)
(O) Observation
Paul is warning the believers to beware of those false preachers/teachers who appeal to our basic and sinful natures. Beware of those who use the power of their personality to deceive you with empty teaching.
(A) Application
It seems that everywhere I turn recently I have been getting this same warning about false teachers. From my preaching through Jude, to a study of the Holy Spirit, to an article by John MacArthur today about health and wealth preachers, I have been almost bombarded with this issue. The scripture is clear about following Jesus by walking in faith by the power of the Holy Spirit. I am to square the faith I live and teach with the scripture. I cannot fall prey to these false teachers who promise God's blessing for a monetary donation. Those who play into the self-centeredness of our culture must be warned against. It is my responsibility as pastor to sound this warning and to expose these false teachers. I must also be sure my preaching is sound and squares with God's Word. I do not want to lead people astray.
(P) Prayer
Lord let me walk close to you. Fill me with your Spirit so there is no room for selfish error. Let me preach only what is true from your Word. Help me to point people to you. Amen
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