Saturday, December 12, 2009

Life Journal 12-12-2009


(S) Scripture
Hebrews 6:1 (NIV)
1 Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity …

(O) Observation
In his warning against falling away the writer gives this command – Move to Maturity. It seems that the people were content to stay with the elementary things to the exclusion of the deeper things of our faith. The writer simply states that the believer should not be content staying in spiritual infancy but needs to move on to maturity.

(A) Application
The deeper things of the faith take work and commitment. It is easier to remain with the elementary things because there is not much to deal with. The elementary things seem more "black and white" and require little interpretation or judgment. As I mature I am called to make judgments and apply Biblical truth to areas the Bible does not address directly. Today I am reminded that I am called to "go on to maturity."

(P) Prayer
Lord I want to stay close to you so that I can be who you want me to be. I want to grow in my faith and mature in you. Make me conscious of when I am acting childish. Amen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm struck by the term "if" at the end of the verse...."if God permits." The whole process of God's sanctifying work in our lives is ultimately due to His grace and not our works. We can do certain things to move on to maturity, but in the end it takes the grace filled, patient, loving work of God, who must take the initiative. It's a testimony to his sovereign work of love in our lives. Hoping to be growing with you pastor, "Bud"