Sunday, September 28, 2008

What good is a blog?

Since I am new to blogging I wonder just what uses a blog might have for the pastor of a local church . I can think of some but rather than taint your responses I will let you respond first.

Let me know what you think and I will share my thoughts in a few days.

I hope that blogging is like learning to ride a bike. There might be some falls and scrapes at first but the more you ride the better you get. So give me a push and off we go.


Dan Wilson said...

Hi Pastor!

For me blogging - for a pastor or anyone else - primarily has the opportunity to do two things. First it gives a space for thoughts and writings that might might not have an outlet any where else. It is a chance to be transparent. Second it is a chance for readers (or a congregation) to then gather around and have a conversation. It is a community building thing - a virtual water cooler.
Welcome to the blogosphere.


Bethanycro said...

Hey Daddy-O. I am quite excited about your new blog. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading it so far. I am an inexperienced blogger so I don't really having any comment on blogging.
love ya

Unknown said...

Here the "David Letterman" top ten reasons that a pastor should blog:

10. It gives you a chance to vent at the Deacons
9. It's a platform for raising the offering
8. It's a chance to use big words and impress the congregation.
7. YOu can add it to your job description and increase your job security.
6. YOu can use it to say things like, "If I only had more time to preach on Sunday mornings, I could have said this...."; to be followed by two long pages!
5. It may give Bill Hybels a chance to steal YOUR sermons!
4. Now, you can feel like Rick Warren!
3. You can pass on your thoughts in your underwear; and we won't even see!
2. You can beat up on the U of M fans!
And the number one reason you should blog..........
1. It's a great way to complain about the ABC!

Happy blogging!

"An old Bud"

Carrie said...

Blogging, its a neat way to post your thoughts and hear what other people think. It is another avenue to reach a large amount of people that you normally wouldnt see day to day. I love to read the blogs, not often to I find myself writing on one, as I dont have a strong feeling one way or the other. But I am glad you are trying, I look forward to reading what you think, and if you push a button of mine, I will be sure to post a comment. Good job pastor, I'm glad you to a step into cyber chat....


Anonymous said...

Keep blogging, you do have readers out there even if they don't all respond.