(S) Scripture
Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?
Galatians 3:3 (NASB77)
(O) Observation
The Galatians had been fooled by false teachers into believing that their relationship with the Lord, having begun in the Spirit could be advanced or deepened by their flesh. They were trying to grow by keeping the law in their own strength. They were trying to earn God's favor by good works and not by trusting the Holy Spirit to lead and guide them.
(A) Application
It is so easy to reduce my faith to a list of do's and don'ts and not take seriously walking by faith in the power of the Holy Spirit. IT seems easier for me to do (in my flesh) than to "be" (in my spirit). It is easier to have a list to follow than to live based on a relationship where everything is not spelled out but where I must trust the Lord to lead and guide. That requires me to spend time with the Lord in reading His Word and in prayer. I need to listen for His voice and follow it rather than just look at a list someone else has compiled for me to follow. I will never develop the deep relationship I desire with the Lord by focusing on the law and trying my best to keep it. I am not to violate the law willfully but I am not to be focused on it – I am to be focused on Jesus.
(P) Prayer
Lord, help me to stay focused on you and to be filled with your Spirit today as I seek to live for you. Amen
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