Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Life Journal 08-26-2009


(S) Scripture
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.
3 John 1:4 (NIV)

(O) Observation
In writing to the first century believers John reminds them of the great joy he receives when he hears that they are faithfully walking with the Lord.

(A) Application
I had the privilege of serving on college campuses with Campus Crusade for Christ and WV Baptist Campus Ministry. During those years the Lord allowed me to touch many students with the gospel. The pain of Campus Ministry is that the students graduate and move on with their lives and careers. I know that is the goal but it is painful to lose those faithful students. It would be like losing a fourth of a congregation each year. I have often wondered what those students are doing today. Some I have kept in touch with but many I have not. Welcome Facebook!! I have made numerous connections with former students through Facebook. To see their families and hear what they are doing brings great joy. I am so pleased that many are continuing to serve the Lord. They are Christians serving the Lord in their chosen professions. Some are serving in pastoral ministries but most are serving through their local churches. The connections through Facebook have renewed relationships and brought incredible joy to me. I am experiencing the joy John wrote about.

(P) Prayer
Lord, help me to help others follow you. Help me to help them help others so that they might also experience this kind of joy. Amen


Anonymous said...

This text has a corrolation to the Old Testament when God told Moses to "write these things on your children's hearts" and more. So whether it be the children we birth naturally or the children we birth who become a part of the community of faith, the Biblial point is the same, isn't it? Pass on the faith! Don't keep it to yourself! Multiply! Duplicate! Expand! Keep pushing us to this end. I want to give birth, not to "little Buds" or to "little Robins" but to "Little Christs" who reflect the nature of His glory. Agree?

Robin Crouch said...

You have got it right. The scary thing for me is where Jesus said in Luke 6:40 "A student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher." That keeps my feet to the fire. I am not in the business of making "little Robins" but the people I lead will reflect what I live and teach. Now that is something to ponder.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully if they are like us, they won't look like us! :)