Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Life Journal 11-27-2012

God's Presence Surrounds Me

(S) Scripture
Psalm 125:2 (NIV)
2  As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds his people both now and forevermore.    

(O) Observation
The Lord protects his people like mountains protect a city. Being from West Virginia and somewhat familiar with mountains, I am aware of the protection they provide. As rugged as they may be to cross they provide great shelter and protection from many troubles.

(A) Application
Today I am aware and thankful for the protection God brings to my life. I am safe because He surrounds me with His presence. Can there be a safer place to be than surrounded by God's presence? I think not! I need not fear what others might say or think about me or how someone might act toward me because I am safe with God. This does not mean that I am exempt from times of trial and trouble. It does mean that His presence and protection are steadfast and sure and in them I am safe and need not fret. Today I will trust in His presence because I am His child.

(P) Prayer
Lord, surround me today as you have promised. Let me sense and experience your presence, protection and power. Amen

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