(S) Scripture
Now, brethren, we wish to make known to you the grace of God which has been given in the churches of Macedonia,
that in a great ordeal of affliction their abundance of joy and their deep poverty overflowed in the wealth of their liberality.
For I testify that according to their ability, and beyond their ability they gave of their own accord,
2 Corinthians 8:1-3 (NASB77)
(O) Observation
Paul is commenting on the generosity of the churches in Macedonia. In tough economic times they gave liberally. What a testimony to God's provision for them and their understanding of that provision.
(A) Application
The economy is tough here in Michigan. For some time we have been in what some have called a "one state recession" that has now become a national economic crisis. The people of Michigan are not the cause but certainly have suffered the effects of this economic downturn. I say that as background to an incredible note of praise for our church. I just received the financial giving reports for the first quarter of 2009 and we are ahead of giving for last year and only 2% behind our budget. Generally at this time of the year we are 8-10% behind. The people of FBC are living out this scripture. They may not recognize it but that is what's happening. Out of much affliction generosity continues to come. I am so pleased to be the pastor of this church. Today I simply rejoice and thank God for calling me here to serve Him with this congregation.
(P) Prayer
Father, Thank You for allowing me to be part of this church. Thank You for working in the hearts of the people so that they trust you for the very issues of life. Thank you for a church family that gives financially to your work here in Charlotte and around the world. Help me to set a faithful example as I lead this church to follow You. Amen
p.s. Today Becky and I celebrate 31 years of marriage. From the beginning she has been my greatest encourager. I am a better person, father and pastor because of her love and support. Like most male pastors I know, I married better than myself.
Your public affection for your wife is an encouraging and inspiring example for all of us to follow. I'm excite that we are doing well in meeting budget. Even though the economy is tough, do you see any opportunity to pay down the mortgage quicker so we don't do to the next generation at FBC, what the government is doing to our children? (BTW, I'm not sure that we're not at least somewhat responsible for many of our own problems in Michigan. We've been tough minded union members, making ridiculous demands, for far too long.) Your Bud
We are belssed by the continued faithful giving of our people here at FBC. We are just 2% behind our budget at the end of the first quarter. That means that there is not extra money to put against the mortgage. I shared your comment with the Church Board and it remains their desire to pay down the mortgage as quickly as possible.
Thanks for sharing my thoughts with the board. They also know my heart. It's great how God is blessing, but I'd love to see a real push to get this thing paid down. While we don't have the money in our general fund to apply to the mortgage, I really believe that we have other resources. I'd love for the board to step up and support an ambitious effort to raise some money, over and above our weekly giving, to make a serious dent. Thanks for your leadership pastor. You are appreciated...and it's not even "pastor's appreciation month!" Bud
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