Sunday, November 30, 2008

Life Journal 11-30-2008

My Obligation

(S) Scripture
I am under obligation both to Greeks and to barbarians, both to the wise and to the foolish.
Romans 1:14 (NASB77)

(O) Observation
Paul revealed his calling as an obligation to those who were not like him, Greeks and Barbarians and also to the wise and foolish. It is easy to share with those like us or with the wise but difficult to those unlike us and foolish.

(A) Application
It is easy for me to forget that my calling is also like Paul's, to those unlike me and to both the wise and foolish. Who are the Greeks and Barbarians for me. There are people here in Charlotte that I have very little in common with, some are rich or poor, others are crude or sophicated, some educated or uneducated. I am called to all these. I am obligated to all these people because of what Jesus has done in my life. I operate better in some of these circles than I do in others but I must share in all of them. I think of some of my bowling friends – I am obligated to them. That is why I bowl. I must intentionally put myself in places where I can be with those who do not yet follow Christ. I am obligated. Today I want to be more intentional in meeting those to whom I am obligated for the sake of Christ.

(P) Prayer
Lord, I thank you for the work you have done in my life and for the forgiveness I have received. Let me now share that with others. Help me to recognize the opportunities you bring to my life. Amen

Friday, November 28, 2008

Life Journal 11-28-2008

First Orders

(S) Scripture
He is not here, he has risen just as he said. Come see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples… Matthew 28:6-7

(O) Observation
The first thing the angel told the women to do after they saw that Jesus had risen from the dead was to go quickly and tell. They were not to delay or wait until they understood, they were to go and tell what they had seen and experienced.

(A) Application
Those are still the first orders any believer receives. Once we experience the risen Christ in our lives we are to go and tell someone. We are not to delay or wait until we understand everything – we are to tell others what we have seen and experienced. I am afraid that too often those of us who have been Christians for a long time have lost that great sense of God's grace and forgiveness and therefore have lost our motivation to share. We need a fresh sense of God's love and forgiveness every day in order to have something to tell others about. That is why this daily devotion is so important because it keeps me mindful of what the Lord has done for me and wants to do for others. If I am being made different each day because of what I have read in the Word then I have something fresh to share. Today I will look for opportunities to share Jesus with someone and I will continue this daily time with God so I will always have something to share.

(P) Payer

Lord, keep my experience with you fresh. Prod me when I am getting stale. Help me to recognize the opportunities to share my faith you put in my life each day. Amen

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Life Journal – 11-27-2008

The Foundation of Thanksgiving

(S) Scripture
And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit. Matthew 27:50 (NIV)

(O) Observation
the reading today is about the last couple of days in Jesus life here on earth. He willingly gave his life to pay for my sins. This is the foundation of thanksgiving.

(A) Application
I can think of no better or more appropriate scripture to read for today than the passages about the Crucifixion. The price for my sin was death and Jesus paid that for me. I do not understand it but I can experience it. Today as I celebrate Thanksgiving with my family I will be thankful for what Jesus did for me so many years ago. Another exciting aspect of our gathering is that every person here is a follower of Jesus.

(P) Prayer
Lord, thank you for dying for my sins. Thank you for allowing me to celebrate this day with my family. Thank you for your love and sacrifice for us. Amen

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Life Journal – 11-25-2008

Known By His Enemies

(S) Scripture
Then the Pharisees went out and laid plans to trap him in his words.
They sent their disciples to him along with the Herodians. "Teacher," they said, "we know you are a man of integrity and that you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. You aren't swayed by men, because you pay no attention to who they are.
Matthew 22:15-16 (NIV)

(O) Observation
Even Jesus' enemies recognized his character. He was known by his integrity, teaching truth, and not being swayed by people. These were characteristics his enemies lacked. They tried to use them to trap him but he was much too wise.

(A) Application
I must live my life in such a way that my enemies would recognize my integrity. It is important to speak the truth regardless of what others think even the influential. Personal integrity takes a lifetime to build and can be lost in a moment. Today I want to be known as a man of integrity who teaches the truth and is not swayed from the truth by what others might think or say. Today with God's help I will display integrity in all that I do.

(P) Prayer
Lord give me the courage to live a life of integrity. Let your character be seen in me. Let my life be transparent and point others to you. Amen

Monday, November 24, 2008

Life Journal – 11-24-2008


(S) Scripture
"And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me.
But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
Matthew 18:5-6 (NIV)

Then little children were brought to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked those who brought them.
Matthew 19:13 (NIV)

(O) Observation
Jesus has just told the disciples how important children are to him. They represent how we are to trust God – with childlike faith not childish but childlike. Shortly after that the disciples rebuke the people for bringing their children to Jesus so he could bless them. How quickly they forgot what Jesus said to them. Jesus asks for the children and blesses them and I think implied is that the disciples were rebuked by Jesus.

(A) Application
I wonder how many times I am like the disciples. I hear and understand clearly a teaching of Jesus and shortly after act in just the opposite way. It is as if I had never heard or understood. I suppose my sin nature has a great deal to do with this. I know my selfish side wants what I want and is not really concerned with other's needs. Here I stand "thick-headed" like the disciples. I want to think that I am smarter than that but too often I am just like the disciples. I am so glad that Jesus corrected their behavior and let them continue to follow him. I too can be corrected, forgiven, cleansed and then continue to follow. Today I will work at not being so thick-headed and will seek to obey what I understand Jesus is asking me to do.

(P) Prayer
Lord, You know how thick-headed and stubborn I can be. I ask that you make me aware when I am ignoring what you have asked of me and that you would forgive me and allow me to continue to follow you. I want most to be faithful to you but I need Your strength and guidance for that to happen in my life. Thank you for your patience, love and forgiveness. Amen

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Life Journal 11-23-2008

A Solitary Place

(S) Scripture
When Jesus heard what had happened he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place. Hearing of this, the crowds followed him on foot from the towns.
Matthew 14:13 (NIV)

(O) Observation
When Jesus go the news of the death of John the Baptist he went to a private place. On hearing about the death of a friend, Jesus needed to be alone with His Father so he went to a solitary place. The crowds would not leave him alone and followed by foot to where he went. Jesus went by boat and at least for that time he was alone.

(A) Application
So often when we hear bad news we immediately seek our friends to be with. Jesus went first to His Father and so should we. Friends are necessary but there are times when we need to be alone with God. Howard Hendricks, a professor at Dallas Seminary, said, "You can never do enough for people if you are always surrounded by people." Jesus knew that if he was going to be able to help the crowd he first needed to be alone with His Father. That is why this quiet time is so important for me. It is my time with God that is not disturbed or interrupted by people. As God recharges my spirit I can then help others. I have missed this time with God the last couple of days. Today I renew my commitment to this time each day. I know I cannot adequately minister to people if I have not had this time with my Father.

(P) Prayer
Father, thank you for the reminder from the life of Jesus about the need for solitude. I commit to this time with you again today. Give me strength to follow through and teach me what I need to know to more fully follow You. Amen

Thursday, November 20, 2008

40 Days of Love – Day 40

The Relationship Principles of Jesus

This has been a great emphasis for me and for the church. In the middle of tough economic times here in Michigan it would be easy for us to turn our attention to ourselves and to huddle-up. This emphasis of Love has caused us to move our attention off ourselves and onto others. It helps us keep our outward focus. If that were all this study did I would be grateful. But it did much more. In my own life it has caused me to slow down and listen to the people around me; not to be so consumed with my own agenda to ignore or pass off the people around me. My life has been so enriched by the depth of conversations I have had during these 40 days. I look forward to continuing the behaviors I have learned.

At our Men's Prayer Breakfast this morning the comment was made, about this study, "If we would just practice the Golden Rule (Luke 6:31) we could almost throw away our Bibles." Not quite but we would certainly be acting more like Jesus than we normally do. He was not advocating abandoning Scripture but I think you get the point of what he was saying.

On a lighter note in Staff meeting this week the comment was made, "I am looking forward to Celebration Sunday and the conclusion of these 40 Days of Love because I have a couple of people I want to talk to and on Monday I can do it like I want to." This was in jest and we all know how this emphasis on loving others the way Jesus loves us really has changed the way we talk to each other even in difficult times of conflict.

What a joy it has been. One person said, "I hate to see this study end." So do I so let's just keep loving like Jesus loves us. Our community will be better, our church will be better, our families will be better and we will be better for it.

What are your thoughts?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

40 Days of Love – Day 39

Forget the Ideal – Go for the Real

So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.
Romans 12:1 (MSG)

Today's devotion speaks to our real lives. We sometimes drift off into a dream world or ideal settings but know they never materialize. This is not a call to abandon working toward the ideal but it is a call not to make the ideal an idol. Our ideal of ideal and God's may be two quite different things. When tough times come to our lives we ask, "How could God let that happen?" It doesn't meet our idea of the ideal. But God see the entirety of our lives and knows what we need today to prepare us for tomorrow. The tough time today may be to strengthen us for tomorrow. God's ideal is for us to trust Him in every circumstance, not just the ideal. Often the ideal is simply imaginary or wishful but the love of God is constant and real. It is that love that we are to experience and share with others. Disney World has "Fantasyland" a place where everything is perfect and anything can happen. Fantasyland is in the Magic Kingdom, a place where we visit because we know that it does not exist anywhere else. Why do we try to create a fantasyland in our lives. It is much more productive to use our energy dealing with what is in ways that please God.

To go for the real means that we place our everyday ordinary lives as a daily offering to God to be used by Him as He pleases. Then we will experience all He has for us and that is reality. God meets us and uses us in real ways when we are fully dedicated to him.

Go for the real and make a difference for Jesus today.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

40 Days of Love – Day 38

Love Your Enemies

Do to others as you would have them do to you.
"If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even 'sinners' love those who love them.
And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even 'sinners' do that.
And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even 'sinners' lend to 'sinners,' expecting to be repaid in full.
But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked.

Luke 6:31-35 (NIV)

We are called to be radically different from those who are not Christ followers. We are constantly surrounded with messages that tell us to be self assertive. These messages tell us to promote ourselves and to watch out for ourselves first. These are self-centered and selfish; we do what we do to get what we want. We protect our own and demand our rights and expect to receive what is due us. This leads to an isolated and lonely existence. We know people who have everything they could ever want and yet are isolated and lonely. Jesus says the antidote is to treat others the way you want to be treated. To think of others first and in so doing your own needs are met. He then takes the teaching further and says to love your enemies, those who are bent on doing you in.

I could never do that on my own. That is what is so exciting about following Jesus, He sets seemingly impossible commands and then He empowers us to fulfill them. It is not in my power but in His. It is not by my might but by His. What is impossible with me is possible in Him. How radical is responding to evil with good? You know how hard it is to have an argument with someone who will not argue back. How hard it is to treat someone mean who is doing good to you. Sure throws me off stride. What is it that makes me want to seek revenge or get even or fight? It is my pride. I want them to agree that I am right and they are wrong. I want them to pay for hurting me. I want to extract my ounce of flesh. The emphasis is always on "me" and "I" and that is the antithesis of what Jesus teaches. It is not about me but rather about God.

Why am I to love my enemies? Because Jesus set the example when He died for me. Jesus did for me what I could not do for myself. Romans 5:8 says, But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. I was his enemy and He died for me, can I do anything less for those I see as enemies? Not and be the follower Jesus calls me to be.

This isn't an easy command but Jesus didn't come to make things easy. He came to make us holy and to restore our relationship with God. He tells me to treat others the way He treats me. No loop holes, no escape clauses. I am to do what he did. I have some work to do in my life. How about you?

Monday, November 17, 2008

40 Days of Love – Day 37

Love is Sacrificial

In West Virginia I was part of a group of pastors that had grown up together as West Virginia Baptist through youth events and summer camps. Some of us went to college together and we all were friends. We got together several times each year and discuss what was going on in our churches and what should be happening. These discussions would always end with the same question, "So, What are you going to do about it?" It was a call to action. We could not just talk about things we must act to bring about solutions.

That is what the author is calling for today. We must take the first step. We initiate the action. We are not to wait on the other person, we are to do for them without regard to what they will do for us. We will never experience all God has for us if we do not move forward. There are no escape clauses or loop holes for the Christian, we are to make the first move in loving others. That is the example Jesus set, He didn't wait on others to move first. He took the initiative and showed his love by what he did.

Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13 (NIV) For a long time when I read this I thought of jumping to push a friend out of the way of a speeding car and being hit myself or of being in a room and volunteering when a gunman demands that one die so the rest of the group can go free. As I grow older those might be true but I wonder if "laying down my life for my friends" has more to do with opening my life to others as a transparent book. To give myself to them as I am. To lay down my life before them and to love them and let them love me. Sacrificial love says that I am willing to do just that – lay down my life for my friends. In living that way I just might be able to lead them to the Savior. I often wonder about just what I am willing to sacrifice for my friends. Jesus gave his life for us. What am I willing to give?

So we come back to the question so many discussions ended with in the past, "So what are you going to do about it?"

What do you think?

Sunday, November 16, 2008

40 Days of Love – Day 36

The Big Question

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12 (NIV)

The Golden Rule is maybe the most simple and yet profound of Jesus' teachings. In this one phrase he has given the key that changes our lives and relationships in ways that reflect Christ in us. I cannot think of anything that surpasses this teaching for building relationships. When I treat others the way I want to be treated I put their needs ahead of mine but in the process my needs are also met. I can't explain that I just know it is true. It is a God-thing working in us. It is like tithing – I can't explain how nine tenths goes farther than ten tenths but it does – it's a God-thing.

The author gives some clear explanation of the substitute rules we sometimes insert in our relationships that may begin good but end in disaster. (pg. 299-300)

  • The Reciprocal Rule – You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours
  • The Ricochet Rule – How I've been treated by others is how I treat you
  • The Hidden Motive Rule – I'm acting like I'm doing this for you but it is really to get what I want

How often do you find yourself substituting one of these rules for the Golden Rule? When I take careful examination of my motives I find myself doing this more than I would like to think I do. So today I will focus on keeping the Golden Rule foremost in my relationships and let God sort out and meet my needs.

Lord, help me to operate out of the Golden Rule rather than one of the substitutes. I want my relationships and life to count for you and honor you. Make me aware when I am not living this out. Amen

What do you think?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

40 Days of Love – Day 35

The Daily Decision of Humility

Young men, in the same way be submissive to those who are older. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble."
Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.
1 Peter 5:5-6 (NIV)

Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Philippians 2:5 (NIV)

This is the best daily reading so far for me. To again be reminded that I am to humble myself and also to have the same attitude as Jesus is indeed a reminder I need. It is so easy to get caught up in yourself that nothing else matters much. Today Becky and I have been refinishing some furniture. We were both covered in sawdust and then stain. Just as we were cleaning up the phone rang and it was the hospital asking if I would come and talk with a distraught patient. I first thought of saying no because I had other plans but I knew the right thing to do was to go and so I did. WWJD is still a good question to ask. The correct answer will keep us from thinking more of ourselves than others.

I thought the description of humility on page 292 was the best I have seen. "Humility is not thinking less of myself; it is thinking more of others. Humility is not putting myself down; it is lifting God up. Humility is not denying my strengths; it is being open and honest about my weaknesses. Humility is seeing that without Christ I can do nothing, but with Christ I can do all things!"

When I begin to live my life by that definition of humility I will:

  • begin to be used in great ways by God.
  • have deep and meaningful relationships
  • make a difference in people's lives for the sake of Christ
  • experience life at its fullest – the way Jesus promised

I will ponder this lesson for days to come.

What are you thinking.

Friday, November 14, 2008

40 Days of Love – Day 34

Vines and Branches

 5"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5 (NIV)

I am so amazed at how simple Jesus was in what he taught and in how he lived it out. He used everyday objects and situations to explain deeply spiritual concepts. In today's reading it is a vine and a branch. The branch cannot exist apart from the vine. We cannot exist apart from Jesus. How simple and yet how profound.

We are prone to try to take sustenance from other sources and find ourselves starving and dying. Peter got it right when he said, "Who else has the words of eternal life?" why do we work so hard to find alternatives to what Jesus teaches. Must be our sin natures.

Today the lesson is simple and the truth profound. Abide in the vine – stay attached – the Vine has everything you need and will produce in you what God wants.

Let stay attached to the Vine and nothing else.

What do you thnk?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

40 Days of Love- Day 33

How Humility Handles Our Relationship with God

To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everybody else, Jesus told this parable: "Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood up and prayed about himself: 'God, I thank you that I am not like other men--robbers, evildoers, adulterers--or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.' "But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, 'God, have mercy on me, a sinner.' "I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted." Luke 18:9-14 (NIV)

It is humility that keeps us from the self-righteousness of the Pharisee. Problem is that the longer we are Christians the more like the Pharisees we become. We forget what it was like to really need a Savior, to be so aware of our sin that we were drawn to God's grace and mercy. We forget what being forgiven really means and we lose the experience of being cleansed because we think we are clean. We set up rules and regulations and standards that we require others to meet before we welcome them into our fellowship and we do it in the name of being "pure" in Christ. How far from the truth we stray. The author offered three warning signs that we are becoming like the Pharisees:

  1. You become confident in yourself
  2. You become condemning of others
  3. You become content with externals

This weekend some Radical Homosexuals staged a protest at a local church in Lansing. Many comments from Christians were condemning of the people not just their behavior. Some wanted a measure of revenge. Some were glad, "we're not like them". How quickly we slide into Pharisee mode and the kingdom of God is not advanced or helped.

Humility reminds me that apart from Christ's work in my life I am no different from those who are at war with God. Being aware of God's work in me makes me more aware of my need for His mercy, grace and forgiveness. How can I condemn those for whom Christ died? Pride is an awful master and leads us to disaster. Today I want to shed any vestige of being a Pharisee and realize that I need God's mercy and must offer it to others.

What did this reading say to you?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

40 Days of Love – Day 32

How Humility Handles Our Tendency to Compare

We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise. 2 Corinthians 10:12 (NIV)

The treadmill of comparing is tiring, uses lots of energy and gets us nowhere. God has not called us to compare our lives with others but rather to faithfully be the person He created us to be. When I compare myself to someone else I have set my sights way to low. If I must compare I should compare myself to Jesus. He never sinned and showed us how God wants us to live. That is not a comparison I want to make because I always end up on the low end. It really is not useful to compare yourself with others. As a preacher, I should not to compare myself with Billy Graham, Chuck Swindoll, Max Lucado or any of the local pastors. God does not expect me to be better than them but does expect me to be the best I can be. That means I can learn from others, but I must hone my skills and use what God has given me to the best of my ability.

The author said something that jumped off the page at me and struck a true chord in my heart. "Satan tempts us to take something good and compare the joy right out of it." (pg 271) How often do we do that? I meet with pastors quite often for lunch and fellowship. On one occasion we were talking about what we do at Halloween. They had an event at their church and were excited about the 60 children they had come out. I could see their joy fade when I shared about the 600 that come to our Fall Festival. The joy is that 660 children were reached that night not that one event was larger than the other. Comparing really does strain relationships.

When a person leaves our church to go to another do I rejoice that they have found a place to worship and serve or am I bitter and ask what that church has that we don't or do I bad mouth what they believe because we have the truth here. This comparison trap comes at our lives from all areas.

Can you imagine the freedom that would come to your life if we were to be content with who we are in Christ and lived that out to its fullest? Not compared to others but simply being all that God wants me to be. Comparing ourselves to others is being in slavery to an evil master. Paul said it this way, It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1 (NIV)

O God, let me live my life fully devoted to you and free from comparing it with others. Let me live in such a way that others will see Jesus in me and be drawn to Him. Amen

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

40 Days of Love – Day 31

How Humility Handles Our Need to Be Noticed

"Everything they do is done for men to see: They make their phylacteries wide and the tassels on their garments long;
they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues;
they love to be greeted in the marketplaces and to have men call them 'Rabbi.'
Matthew 23:5-7 (NIV)

"My Bible is bigger than yours. I sit in the big chair and don't forget to call me Reverend." How silly and petty does that sound? Sadly it happens in too many churches. Today's reading makes me want to cry, "Uncle, I give." This lesson really hits home and right where we live. The need for status symbols, recognition and titles. This is an area where many struggle. We have to live in the right neighborhood and house, drive the right car and wear the right brand of clothes and God forbid that someone would forget or not use my title. How enslaved have we become to our status symbols, our need to be noticed.

When I arrived at Ole Miss in 1971, as a staff member with Campus Crusade for Christ, one thing that became really clear was that to be accepted you had to wear certain brands of clothes. It was Corbin slacks, Gant shirts, Puritan sweaters and Bass Weeguns. Students were judged by the clothes they wore. One day the other staff and I wore our clothes inside out so the labels would be visible just to make a point. The students in our ministry began to see how they had become so attached to their symbols that they were excluding others and that sin was hurting the kingdom of God.

I wonder how often we let this need to be noticed get in the way of building the kingdom of God because people don't meet our standards. Our relationships are diminished by these three status seeking issues.

In our church and lives we cannot afford to be caught in these traps. Pray that we will not allow social status to keep us from reaching our community with the gospel of Christ.

Monday, November 10, 2008

40 Days of Love – Day 30

How Humility Handles Ambition

Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:4 (NIV)

There is a great difference between being childlike and childish. I had never thought of childlikeness in the way the author presented it. I know that a child must depend on others but I had not thought about how freely a child asks for things. Because they are totally dependent they must ask for everything and so it never enters their thoughts not to ask (p 260-261). That was an eye opener for me. Children are not afraid or timid – they just ask. Many ask and ask and ask. It is when they stomp their foot and begin to demand that they become childish. That is generally met with discipline from the parent.

Wanting to be all that God created me to be and desiring to experience all that God has for me is ambitious but not for self-seeking reasons. Rather it is to fulfill God's will in my life and that can only come as I trust in Him. I must become like that child that depends totally and asks freely. Humility is recognizing that I am dependent on God and that gives me his perspective on my ambitions. Seeing myself as God sees me allows me to live my live under his control, power and provision.

Lord, teach me to depend on you and make me aware of when I am being childish and not childlike. Amen

Sunday, November 9, 2008

40 Days of Love – Day 29

The Desire To Be Great

For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.
Matthew 23:12 (NIV)

What does it mean to be humble? What is humility?

When I think of humility I am reminded of what Paul wrote to the Romans. For through the grace given to me I say to every man among you not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think; but to think so as to have sound judgment, as God has allotted to each a measure of faith. Romans 12:3 (NASB77). I am not to think more highly of myself than I ought but I am to use sound judgment.

That teaches me to see myself as God sees me; with all my strengths and weaknesses. Humility is not thinking I am nothing or that I have nothing to share or give or use but rather it is to recognize the gifts and abilities I have and to use them to glorify God. I recognize my strengths and use them in service to God. I exalt God not myself. In my weaknesses I trust God to use them with his power not mine.

The flip side of not thinking more highly of myself than I ought is thinking very high of who God has made me and what he has given me to use for His glory. This is a daily practice to lift up Christ and not myself. I choose to humbly serve God and not my selfish interests.

This is not an easy task when all around me the culture tells me to promote myself, to get what is mine, to seize whatever power I can. To be faithful to my call as a follower of Jesus I must daily exalt Christ and live humbly before my God.

What are your thoughts?

Friday, November 7, 2008

Life Journal 11-07-2008

Serve One Another

(S) Scripture
For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.
For the whole Law is fulfilled in one word, in the statement, "YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF."
Galatians 5:13-14 (NASB77)

(O) Observation
Paul reminds the people that their freedom in Christ is not a freedom to sin but rather it is being free to show our love by serving one another. Paul has picked up on Jesus' teaching and again emphasizes that the whole law is fulfilled in the statement, "YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF." Here it is again and it is so simple and yet so profound. We are to love God and others.

(A) Application
I wonder why we make things so complicated. We get so caught up in the details of theology that we miss what we are called to accomplish. We argue over the method of baptism and Jesus says, "love each other". We fight over dress codes and Jesus says, "love each other." When will we get it right. Now we have been learning in the 40 Days of Love that this love isn't wishy-washy or gushy or dismissing of the truth. Rather it is tough and addresses sin and corrects bad behavior. Speaking the truth in love is hard and difficult at times and requires an element of personal risk and yet we are compelled to speak it. The verses I chose today from Galatians 5 fit right in to the theme for this Sunday when we resume the 40 Days of Love. The theme for this week is "Love Serves" and here it is in the Life Journal reading for today. How great is our God and what a sense of humor. We just can't get away from this call to show our love through serving others. It is something that we should try.

Today I will focus on serving others as an expression of my love for God

What about you?

(P) Prayer
Lord, too often I want to be served rather than to serve others. Keep me focused on serving you by serving others to day. Help me to make this a habit and a daily expression of my faith in you. Amen

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Life Journal – 11-06-2008

Living by Faith

(S) Scripture
You foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified?
This is the only thing I want to find out from you: did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith?
Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?
Galatians 3:1-3 (NASB77)

(O) Observation
    Paul was addressing a problem in the Galatian church. The people who had received the Spirit by faith were now trying to live by keeping the law. They were giving up their freedom in Christ for slavery to the law. Paul challenges them and reminds them of the direction they should follow. They began and should continue by faith. Their trust and security is in their faith in the God not in keeping the law.

(A) Application
    This is a trap that many Christians fall in to. We receive Christ by faith and then try to live by keeping the law. We set up artificial standards and if we keep them we think we must be OK with God. God's grace has set us free to be all that God wants us to be. That freedom is not a license to do whatever we want but rather it is a freedom to do what is right and godly. Before we became Christians our sin nature was a slave to sin and we could only do things that displeased God because they were not from faith. We are now free to do what pleases God. Church Swindoll in his book "The Grace Awakening" calls these artificial standards "Grace Killers" and that is exactly what they do. The "laws" we put in place to show how righteous we are only kill grace in us and others.

    Today I want to be a Grace Giver not a Grace Killer. I want to live by faith. I want my faith to be revealed and seen in what I do but not to think that what I do in any way merits God's favor or grace. What I do comes out of my faith not the other way around. Today I desire to live free in Christ.

(P) Prayer
Lord, help me to live free and to trust only in you. Let me live by faith, filled with the Holy Spirit and trusting in you. Make me aware when I am killing grace in others and myself. Let me make a difference for you today in someone's life. Amen

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Life Journal 11-05-2008

Integrity and Hypocrisy

(S) Scripture

Galatians 2:11-14 (NASB77)
But when Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned.
For prior to the coming of certain men from James, he used to eat with the Gentiles; but when they came, he began to withdraw and hold himself aloof, fearing the party of the circumcision. And the rest of the Jews joined him in hypocrisy, with the result that even Barnabas was carried away by their hypocrisy.
But when I saw that they were not straightforward about the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas in the presence of all, "If you, being a Jew, live like the Gentiles and not like the Jews, how is it that you compel the Gentiles to live like Jews?

(O) Observation

Peter (Cephas) fell into the trap of not being the same person in every situation. He compromised his integrity when he acted one way with one group and differently with another because of fear of what they might think. Paul called him on this hypocrisy for the sake of all in the church. Leaders cannot say and live one way one day and then for popularity say and live another way the next. There must be a consistency that comes from integrity.

(A) Application

This is an easy trap for people. We do not want to offend, we want to be liked and so we try to blend in even if it means we compromise what we know to be true. We have seen this all too often in the recent presidential campaigns. The candidates say one thing to this group and something quite different to another. We do the same and it is our integrity that suffers. Integrity is like trust, it takes time to build or earn and can be lost in a moment. I believe that Peter repented and the church grew. He continued as a leader because when confronted with hypocrisy he took steps to rectify it.

It is easy to compromise what you hold as true in order to be liked and welcomed. If though the price of that welcome is my integrity then the price is too high. I am not encouraging people to be obnoxious or overbearing. I am encouraging us to be true to the God who called us to be his children and has sent us into the world to be salt and light. Our hypocrisy will keep us from impacting our world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Today I want to live out of my integrity and rid myself of any hypocrisy. Not an easy thing but one that must be done.

(P) Prayer

Lord I see myself in this challenge to Peter. Make me keenly aware of the hypocrisy in my life and help me to correct it. I want to live a life of integrity as your child and servant. Amen

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Life Journal – 11-04-2008

Faith Lived Out

This week I am taking a break from the 40 Days of Love because of the Next Generation Power Force rally this past Sunday. This special opportunity came and so I asked the small groups to take a break this week from the 40 Days material and we will resume with week 5 on Sunday. Therefore this week I will be sharing from the life journal again.

(S) Scripture

Job 27:2-6 (NASB77) "As God lives, who has taken away my right, And the Almighty, who has embittered my soul,
For as long as life is in me, And the breath of God is in my nostrils,
My lips certainly will not speak unjustly, Nor will my tongue mutter deceit.
"Far be it from me that I should declare you right; Till I die I will not put away my integrity from me.
"I hold fast my righteousness and will not let it go. My heart does not reproach any of my days.

(O) Observation

In this passage Job reveals his faith and character. He will maintain his integrity and hold fast to acting righteously. What a testimony. His has lost nearly everything and his friends are not being helpful and yet Job holds on to what he knows is right and just and Godly.

(A) Application

It seems our tendency is to protect and defend ourselves in times of trouble and stress. We blame God for our circumstances. We ask God why he did this or that to us? At best we ask why he allowed something that he could have prevented. We fail to look for the big picture, what God is doing in us to prepare us for other things. Job's wife had encouraged him to "curse God and die." But Job held on to the truth of his faith. I want to do the same. In the face of accusation or even when I think God has "embittered my soul" I want to hold to the truth of my faith and walk with Jesus.

It is not always easy but it is the only path to take if I want to continue to grow as a Christian. What do you do when a friend needs to be corrected and you risk being misunderstood but you integrity compels you to talk with the person. I think the 40 Days of Love lessons are being put to the test. Interesting how he Lord prepares you in advance for what He needs you to do.

(P) Prayer

Lord, you know the difficult task I have before me. Help me to speak the truth in love and to maintain my integrity and to act in ways that please you. It is not easy but it is the path I must take so I ask that you fill me with your Spirit and walk the path with me.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

40 Days of Love – Day 28

Seeing the Truth about Yourself

What a great devotion today. It was tough but when you are called to do some self-examination it is always tough. The "man in the mirror" is sometimes the hardest one to see honestly. In the movie "Fireproof" there is a scene in the firehouse where a young firefighter is primping himself and talking to himself in the mirror. It is a funny scene as he works at being "cool". He is trying to convince the man in the mirror that he is different than he really is. I wonder just how often we do the same. We try and try to convince ourselves that we are different than we really are. We excuse sin and other things in order to feel better about ourselves but in the end we know the truth. The author asks us to see clearly two phrases:


If we keep these in focus we will be less judgmental and more forgiving of others. That is a good exercise for me. The author made an interesting comment on page 241, "Why is it that some who have been Christians for years become more and more judgmental? Because they have forgotten how deeply they need God's grace." The fresh sense of their sin when they first became a Christian has faded – what a tragedy that those who have been forgiven refuse to forgive.

This was a sobering lesson and one that I hope we all begin to practice.

What are your thoughts?

Saturday, November 1, 2008

40 Days of Love- Day 27

Understanding God's Judgment

Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait till the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men's hearts. At that time each will receive his praise from God.
1 Corinthians 4:5 (NIV)

As I read today's chapter I thought I should simply write – "Amen" and stop but that seemed a little flippant. As the author related the story of Corrie Ten Boom I was reminded of the days I was her host and driver while she was in Southern California for Campus Crusade for Christ. I heard her tell the story the author related. As she told it she would still tear up and that was nearly 30 years later. The horror of the Nazi concentration camp was still fresh to her as she spoke and yet her message was one of forgiveness, mercy and grace. My life was enriched by those days. She had a simple faith that God was in control and she need not worry about anything. She left her travel plans to the Lord, where she would stay and eat did not matter to her. In Five Star hotels or No Star hotels she was content. What a picture of God's Grace.

One moving conversation in the movie of her experience, "The Hiding Place" between Corrie and her sister Betsy was about Corrie's despair in the camp. Betsy's response was this great understanding of God's presence and protection when she said, "There is no pit so deep that God is not deeper still." We can learn a lot from Corrie and her sister.

On this subject of judgment and forgiveness Corrie gave us a key truth. "Forgiveness is not an emotion… Forgiveness is an act of the will and the will can function regardless of the temperature of the heart." Wow – 'nough said.

Share your thoughts in a comment.