Friday, November 28, 2008

Life Journal 11-28-2008

First Orders

(S) Scripture
He is not here, he has risen just as he said. Come see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples… Matthew 28:6-7

(O) Observation
The first thing the angel told the women to do after they saw that Jesus had risen from the dead was to go quickly and tell. They were not to delay or wait until they understood, they were to go and tell what they had seen and experienced.

(A) Application
Those are still the first orders any believer receives. Once we experience the risen Christ in our lives we are to go and tell someone. We are not to delay or wait until we understand everything – we are to tell others what we have seen and experienced. I am afraid that too often those of us who have been Christians for a long time have lost that great sense of God's grace and forgiveness and therefore have lost our motivation to share. We need a fresh sense of God's love and forgiveness every day in order to have something to tell others about. That is why this daily devotion is so important because it keeps me mindful of what the Lord has done for me and wants to do for others. If I am being made different each day because of what I have read in the Word then I have something fresh to share. Today I will look for opportunities to share Jesus with someone and I will continue this daily time with God so I will always have something to share.

(P) Payer

Lord, keep my experience with you fresh. Prod me when I am getting stale. Help me to recognize the opportunities to share my faith you put in my life each day. Amen


Anonymous said...

Your post reminds us that the resurrection isn't just an "Easter thing", rather it's a 365 day celebration and experience in the life of the Christ-follower. During this time of the year, thanks for reminding us that you can't really seperate the birth from the resurrection of Jesus. It's the entire life of Jesus that matters to the believer. "This old Bud"

Anonymous said...

So often we forget that behind the manger was the shadow of the cross.
Thanks for the reminder. I look forward to your comments.