Sunday, November 2, 2008

40 Days of Love – Day 28

Seeing the Truth about Yourself

What a great devotion today. It was tough but when you are called to do some self-examination it is always tough. The "man in the mirror" is sometimes the hardest one to see honestly. In the movie "Fireproof" there is a scene in the firehouse where a young firefighter is primping himself and talking to himself in the mirror. It is a funny scene as he works at being "cool". He is trying to convince the man in the mirror that he is different than he really is. I wonder just how often we do the same. We try and try to convince ourselves that we are different than we really are. We excuse sin and other things in order to feel better about ourselves but in the end we know the truth. The author asks us to see clearly two phrases:


If we keep these in focus we will be less judgmental and more forgiving of others. That is a good exercise for me. The author made an interesting comment on page 241, "Why is it that some who have been Christians for years become more and more judgmental? Because they have forgotten how deeply they need God's grace." The fresh sense of their sin when they first became a Christian has faded – what a tragedy that those who have been forgiven refuse to forgive.

This was a sobering lesson and one that I hope we all begin to practice.

What are your thoughts?

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