Living Rightly
(S) Scripture
"Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.
Matthew 24:42 (NIV)
(O) Observation
In this chapter of Matthew, Jesus is teaching about the end times and his second coming. He is clear that no one knows the day or hour. He gives some general signs that point to the time of the end. His emphasis is on living each day as if Jesus were coming back that day. We are to live expectantly.
(A) Application
I had the privilege as a college student to attend a retreat where Hal Lindsay spoke a series of messages that became his book, The Late Great Planet Earth. At the end of one message I remember him saying that if Jesus came back before he finished the first one to the pulpit could have his Bible. When he finished we all rushed outside so that if Jesus came we would not have to go through the roof. It was a powerful message. His emphasis was on living each day as if Jesus were coming back that day because He might. Although some accused Hal of claiming to know the day and hour, he never even hinted at that when I heard him. That retreat was 40 years ago and my life was profoundly affected. There certainly are many false prophets today on radio and TV leading people astray in this area and the church needs discernment concerning the truth. Some are well meaning but mistaken. As a pastor/teacher I must continually remind people that we are to live faithfully each day. Whether Jesus comes back or whether he comes to take only me, I had better be ready and be found living faithfully.
(P) Prayer
Lord, teach me how to live fully for you each day. When you come for me I want to be found faithful. Help me to keep my focus on You. Let my life make a difference for you on this earth. Help me to be the witness I should be. And as John said at the close of Revelation, "Come quickly Lord, Jesus." Amen
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