(S) Scripture
A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.
Proverbs 11:25 (NIV)
(O) Observation
The writer simply states the truth that is also found in the New Testament. "You reap what you sow". Generous people prosper and those who refresh others find themselves being refreshed.
(A) Application
When I think of being generous I immediately think of money and yet there are so many other ways to be generous. Investing my time and abilities in others is a form of generosity. Sharing what I have with others is generosity. When I share what I have I prosper, I gain more and that allows me to give more. It is a sweet and calm spirit that refreshes people and that is what I desire. When I am operating at a hectic, chaotic pace I cannot refresh anyone and will not stop long enough to be refreshed myself. Today I will slow down and make the most of each and every conversation. I will give of myself and whatever I have. I do so not to get more but because it is the way I am to live as a Christian.
(P) Prayer
Lord let me know your presence and power in my life so that I might live the way you describe. Let me invest myself in others so that they too might walk close to you. Amen
While I realize that our economy is down, if more of us practiced sowing seeds of generosity, perhaps we could really seriously and dramatically pay down our mortgage. Do you think we can?
Your Bud
YES, but I think gererosity goes far beyond just paying down the church debt.
I totally agree. But I hope our folks can learn that giving takes three forms: Ability; Sacrifice and then faith. I fear that a lot of our folks might not even be giving out of their ability. And those who do, are we willing to go beyond mere ability and express sacrifice? And even if we sacrifice will we have faith to believe that we can go one step more. Let's try have my permission to use this and I'll smile at you. "Your Bud who prays for you daily."
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