Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Life Journal 10-09-2012

Hungering for the Presence of God

(S) Scripture
Luke 22:61-62 (NASB77)
61  And the Lord turned and looked at Peter. And Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how He had told him, "Before a cock crows today, you will deny Me three times."
62  And he went out and wept bitterly.    

(O) Observation
When Peter was made conscious of his sin by both a sound and then the Look of Jesus he wept and repented.

(A) Application
In the last couple of weeks I have been confronted with my failure to nurture my personal relationship with the Lord. In his book, "The Irresistible Church," Wayne Corderio says the first trait is that of a "hunger for God's presence." This past Friday I spent the day with Dr. Anthony Headley a professor at Asbury Seminary. Two of his books have impacted my life, "Achieving Balance in Ministry" and "Reframing Your Ministry." In both he emphasizes the need for the pastor to never neglect their personal devotional life. The trap is to study for messages for the church but to neglect that personal time with the Lord. It was some years ago that I began using the "Life Journal" as a means to foster and order my devotional life because the emphasis is on "How will I be different today because of what I have just read?" I had gotten away from that discipline and it shows at least to me. It was the voice of these two men that got my attention and then isn't it ironic that the reading this morning was about Nehemiah first confessing his sin and then about Peter's denial and repentance. Today I begin again hungering for the presence of God and seeking Him in His Word.

(P) Prayer

Lord you know me and my heart. Forgive me for neglecting my time with you alone. I know that apart from your presence I can do nothing of significance in your kingdom. It is my prayer that you use me to make a difference in people's lives so that they too might experience your presence. Let that hungering be infectious in our church. Amen


Dan Wilson said...

Thanks for your humble transparency! I love you my friend!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes a pastor can be so busy doing for God that one can neglect the joy of being with God. Contemplation, meditation, reflection and more are so critical to prayer. Your Bud

Robin said...

Thanks for the insight and encouragement and challenge. Too often we let our our schedules get in the way of deepening our walk with the Lord.