Thursday, October 11, 2012

Life Journal 10-11-2012

The Lord's Supper Is More Than We Think

(S) Scripture
Luke 24:35 (NASB77)
35  And they began to relate their experiences on the road and how He was recognized by them in the breaking of the bread.

(O) Observation
The men Jesus met on the road to Emmaus had no clue it was Jesus they were talking to. Their conversation was rich. I sure would like to have a recording of Jesus teaching about Himself from all the Old Testament. Even with all this they did not recognize Jesus until he broke bread with them.

(A) Application
I have often said that some churches and people make too much of the Lord's Supper or communion when it is the focus of their worship every week. But it also needs to be noted that too often some of us make too little of the Lord's Supper when it is just tacked on at the end of a worship service once a month or whenever we feel like it. The scripture says that "as often as you do this…" so that leaves the when up to the local congregation. I am not arguing for or against when we choose to celebrate the Lord's Supper but I am saying that for me as a Baptist it is more than just something we do out of rote. As the bread is broken and the cup is shared we should be recognizing Jesus and all that He has done for us. It is not just a cracker and juice but rather a memorial that points us to again recognize and remember Jesus. I never want the Lord's Supper to become routine. We will continue to celebrate it on the first Sunday of the month but as a pastor I never want to take it for granted or to lose it meaning in its repetition. My desire is for all to recognize Jesus as we share the Lord's Supper together.

(P) Prayer
Lord, help me to see you in new and meaningful ways each time I share in the Lord's Supper. Help me to never take you for granted or to minimize your sacrifice on my behalf. Help me to help others to see you clearly. Amen


Margy said...

One of the most powerful times at our church was when our interim pastor cancelled the Lord's Supper. We had so much dissension in our church at the time, that he felt that we first needed to make peace with those with whom we had issues before we could come to the Lord's table. Since then there have been a few times when I could not participate because of things going on in my own life. Praise be to God for His unfailing mercy!

Dan Wilson said...

I think much of the power of communion comes in the small phrase "remember me". Obviously it points to remembering his sacrifice on the cross and our redemption but it is also a call of a friend, a companion to remember them when they are apart.

Christ has called us to be his companion - to do life with him. In that pointed moment we can remind ourselves not only of his historical sacrifice but his present reality in the lives of Christians.