Calm Seas
(S) Scripture
Mark 6:50-51
50 because they all saw him and were terrified. Immediately he spoke to them and said, "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid." 51 Then he climbed into the boat with them, and the wind died down. They were completely amazed,
(O) Observation
The disciples were working on their own straining at the oars when Jesus was not with them. Seeing their struggle from the shore Jesus goes to join them. When they see him walking on the water they are terrified. He immediately calls out to them with a word of comfort and encouragement, "It is I, do not be afraid." When he enters the boat the sea an wind go calm. Apart from his presence the disciples were afraid and straining. Jesus' presence changed everything.
(A) Application
Yesterday we saw the rescue of the crew from the USS Bounty. The rough seas from Hurricane Sandy had taken the boat and the crew was rescued from their life raft. The Coast Guard swimmer who rescued them said when he first got to the raft he calm the crew with words that said he was there to rescue them. The crew was calmed by his presence. I am not in the Atlantic but have some storms that come my way. When I try to handle them on my own I strain and strain and make little progress. It is the Savior's presence that makes a difference. Rather than being anxious or afraid I need to trust in God's presence. Like the crew of the Bounty I can take heart in the presence of the one who comes to save me. The major difference is that the Coast Guard swimmer had no power to calm the sea but the God I serve can calm any storm. Today I choose to trust His presence and power.
(P) Prayer
Lord, Teach me to recognize your presence and to not be afraid but rather to trust in your power to calm the storm and take me safely to the shore. I need your presence and power. Amen
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