Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Life Journal 10-31-2012


(S) Scripture
Mark 7:26-30 (NASB77)
26  Now the woman was a Gentile, of the Syrophoenician race. And she kept asking Him to cast the demon out of her daughter.
27  And He was saying to her, "Let the children be satisfied first, for it is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs."
28  But she answered and * said to Him, "Yes, Lord, but even the dogs under the table feed on the children's crumbs."
29  And He said to her, "Because of this answer go your way; the demon has gone out of your daughter."
30  And going back to her home, she found the child lying on the bed, the demon having departed.    

(O) Observation
As I read this passage I see Jesus demonstrating three key elements of his life and ministry.
    1. His message and power was not exclusively for the Jews
    2. He was not afraid or anxious in the face of evil
    3. He could heal or command evil to flee from a distance.
It is a strange conversation and yet Jesus responds to the faith of the woman regardless of her race or gender. He heard her cry, saw her faith and answered her need.

(A) Application
I will admit that my thoughts today are somewhat tangent to the passage but here they are. In this passage Jesus deals with a parents cry for help in the face of a demon. Jesus is not afraid and neither should we be afraid. Today is Halloween. For years I have had Christians ask whether or not they should allow their children to celebrate or participate in Halloween. There is a fear that by participating they are somehow endorsing the "Devil's night." I know it is called the "Devil's night" but I don't think that we as Children of God should let him have it. I really do not think that God has said to the evil one, "OK, you can have that night, it's yours and I will not interfere." My theology just won't let me go there.

Certainly there are people who abuse this night as an excuse for evil and destructive behavior. There certainly are places and areas that are unsafe that we should avoid. Proverbs gives us this instruction:
5  Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And do not lean on your own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5 (NASB77) Note that it does not say that we should not use our understanding, it just takes a back seat to trusting God. So I will not get all worked up about Trick or Treat or teach that this is the "Devil's night." I will have some fun with the kids that come in costumes to the church tonight, play some games and yes get some candy. The God I serve is bigger than my fears and certainly does not give even one night to the evil one.

(P) Prayer
Lord, teach me to trust you more and not to take the counsel of my fears. Let me enjoy your presence every day and never to settle for giving one day away. Amen

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Life Journal 10-30-2012

Calm Seas

(S) Scripture
Mark 6:50-51
50 because they all saw him and were terrified. Immediately he spoke to them and said, "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid." 51 Then he climbed into the boat with them, and the wind died down. They were completely amazed,

(O) Observation
The disciples were working on their own straining at the oars when Jesus was not with them. Seeing their struggle from the shore Jesus goes to join them. When they see him walking on the water they are terrified. He immediately calls out to them with a word of comfort and encouragement, "It is I, do not be afraid." When he enters the boat the sea an wind go calm. Apart from his presence the disciples were afraid and straining. Jesus' presence changed everything.

(A) Application
Yesterday we saw the rescue of the crew from the USS Bounty. The rough seas from Hurricane Sandy had taken the boat and the crew was rescued from their life raft. The Coast Guard swimmer who rescued them said when he first got to the raft he calm the crew with words that said he was there to rescue them. The crew was calmed by his presence. I am not in the Atlantic but have some storms that come my way. When I try to handle them on my own I strain and strain and make little progress. It is the Savior's presence that makes a difference. Rather than being anxious or afraid I need to trust in God's presence. Like the crew of the Bounty I can take heart in the presence of the one who comes to save me. The major difference is that the Coast Guard swimmer had no power to calm the sea but the God I serve can calm any storm. Today I choose to trust His presence and power.

(P) Prayer
Lord, Teach me to recognize your presence and to not be afraid but rather to trust in your power to calm the storm and take me safely to the shore. I need your presence and power. Amen

Monday, October 29, 2012

Life Journal 10-29-2012

Have You Lost Your Mind?

(S) Scripture
Mark 3:20-21 (NASB77)
20  And He * came home, and the multitude * gathered again, to such an extent that they could not even eat a meal.
21  And when His own people heard of
this, they went out to take custody of Him; for they were saying, "He has lost His senses."

(O) Observation
Jesus returns home after a time of teaching, casting out demons and healing crowds of people. He has also called the twelve to follow and he is preparing them to be sent out to preach. The crowds follow him home and press in on him to the point he cannot even eat a meal. When his family see and hear all this they don't understand and think he has lost his mind so they come to take him away. His family did not understand God's call in his life.

(A) Application
Often it seems that when people do follow God's call in their lives people think they have lost their minds. The challenge is to follow Jesus even though some might not understand. In 1970 when I joined the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ many thought I had lost my mind. As a college graduate I was moving to Oxford, Mississippi, going to make $250/month and have to raise that myself from people that would support my ministry. Some said I could have made that much without a college degree. It was God's call and I am compelled to follow. Again when we left WV to move to Michigan where it is cold and we did not know anyone, people thought we were a little crazy. But following God's call wherever it leads is not crazy. It might be tough but it is satisfying to your soul. I thank God today for the strength He gives to follow even when some think you have lost your mind. So if following Jesus' call in my life means that I have lost my mind, then call me crazy.

(P) Prayer
Lord, thank you for your faithfulness, strength, support and presence as we follow your call. I do not want to be anywhere but where you have called me to be. Amen

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Life Journal 10-28-2012

The Sabbath

(S) Scripture
Mark 2:27 (NASB77)
27  And He was saying to them, "The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.

(O) Observation
When challenged for his disciples picking grain on the Sabbath Jesus teaches the truth about it. The day of Rest was made for man's good not for God's.

(A) Application
The Sabbath is the subject of some controversy. Let me say that the Sabbath has always been the seventh day, Saturday. We celebrate the resurrection by gathering for worship on Sundays but that is not the Old Testament Sabbath. Does that mean the Sabbath is no longer valid. NO WAY!! That is what Jesus is teaching. The Sabbath, a day of rest and reflection dedicated to deepening our walk with God, was made for us. This day of rest is for our good and needs to be observed. I remember a professor saying, "If you are doing more than you can get done in six days you are doing more than God intended you to do." It is easy for me to let my life get crowded with stuff and this day gets neglected. As a pastor it is easy to let "church work" consume the week and my life to the point that I neglect a personal Sabbath. I can give all kinds of excuses and explanations but truth is I just let things crowd the week. I am thankful for the reminder that if Jesus need a Sabbath I certainly need one. Today I want to do better at investing a day each week in rest, reflection and deepening my walk with the Lord.

(P) Prayer
Lord, help me not to neglect my Sabbath. Help me to keep that time for you. Thank you for the reminder today. Amen

Friday, October 26, 2012

Life Journal

Our Culture and Our Task

(S) Scripture
Acts 25:19 (NASB77)
19  but they simply had some points of disagreement with him about their own religion and about a certain dead man, Jesus, whom Paul asserted to be alive.

(O) Observation
Paul is accused of wrongdoing for simply disagreeing with what some believe and for claiming that Jesus is alive. Sounds a great deal like our culture where as Christians we are constantly accused of being intolerant and somewhat unenlightened to believe that Jesus was resurrected and is alive today.

(A) Application
It is a good reminder that the culture does not share my beliefs and often think I am intolerant. If because I believe Jesus is alive and therefore makes certain demands on our lives makes me intolerant then so be it. Truth is the argument is not with me but with Jesus and what He said and claimed. Since He claimed to be God and to be the only way to have a right relationship with God, I guess we are exclusive. I cannot be arrogant or mean spirited in my faith and I can neither deny what Jesus said. Because people do not want to believe cannot silence me and my belief in the resurrection of Jesus.

(P) Prayer
Father, make me aware if I ever become arrogant or mean spirited in my walk with you. Help me to faithfully share with others the truth about Jesus and his resurrection. Give me courage to not be afraid to speak the truth with love and grace. Thank you for your power and presence. Amen

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Life Journal 10-24-2012


(S) Scripture
Acts 19:13-15 (NASB77)
13  But also some of the Jewish exorcists, who went from place to place, attempted to name over those who had the evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, "I adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preaches."
14  And seven sons of one Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, were doing this.
15  And the evil spirit answered and said to them, "I recognize Jesus, and I know about Paul, but who are you?"

(O) Observation
Because of the miraculous healing that was being done at the hand of Paul in the name of Jesus some others wanted to cash in. They were trying to imitate God's work without God's power. That to me is futility.

(A) Application
It is futile for me to attempt to do God's work without His power, too. As a pastor it is easy to let my personal walk with the Lord slip some because of all the other study and preparation I do in order to preach and teach. But if my personal discipleship is slipping then I am not preaching and teaching with God's power, I am only performing. Regardless of how polished the performance it is futile to do so apart from being empowered by the Holy Spirit. That power is a result of my personal walk with God that must be nurtured each day. That is one reason this life journal is so important. I cannot faithfully follow the Lord if I do not know His Word.

(P) Prayer
Father, I thank you for the reminder of how important my personal walk with you is. I want my life to make a difference and I want to make that difference for you and in your power. Keep me focused on You and use me today. Amen

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Life Journal 10-23-2012

How Will I Be Known

(S) Scripture
Acts 17:6-7 (NASB77)
6  And when they did not find them, they began dragging Jason and some brethren before the city authorities, shouting, "These men who have upset the world have come here also;
7  and Jason has welcomed them, and they all act contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying that there is another king, Jesus."
Acts 18:24 (NASB77)
24  Now a certain Jew named Apollos, an Alexandrian by birth, an eloquent man, came to Ephesus; and he was mighty in the Scriptures.

(O) Observation
Here we have three men, Paul, Silas and Apollos. They were known as "men who have upset the world." The KJV says "turned the world upside down." My thought is that they turned the world right side up. They were also known as being "mighty in the Scriptures." Their impact on the places where they preached and taught came from a boldness that was fueled by the Holy Spirit and a knowledge of the Scriptures. They were unafraid of their surroundings even if it meant opposition, arrest or imprisonment.

(A) Application
Today I ask myself, "How will I be known?" Will I be known as being mighty in Scripture and setting the world around me right side up? Will I settle for less than full commitment to Jesus and His call in my life? These are sobering questions. In order to have an impact on my community I must develop these same kind of commitments and traits. I must read and study the scriptures and I must seek a boldness that comes through walking by faith in the power of the Holy Spirit. Today I commit myself to those pursuits.

(P) Prayer
Lord, grant me the strength and courage to be the person you have created me to be. Make yourself so real to me that I am unafraid of the world around me. Father, my desire is to be known as a man mighty in scripture and making a difference in my community for the kingdom. Today I also pray for my pastor friend, Mark Woodbury, and ask that you heal him from the cancer he has been diagnosed with. I pray for Mark and the church he serves. Give them strength and let them experience your presence and peace today. Amen

Monday, October 22, 2012

Life Journal 10-22-2012


(S) Scripture
Acts 15:1-2 (NASB77)
1 And some men came down from Judea and began teaching the brethren, "Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved."
2  And when Paul and Barnabas had great dissension and debate with them, the brethren determined that Paul and Barnabas and certain others of them should go up to Jerusalem to the apostles and elders concerning this issue.

(O) Observation
As Paul continued to preach salvation by faith alone in Jesus to the Gentiles. Some Jews came and began to teach that the Gentiles must be circumcised in order to be Christians. Paul and Barnabas took exception to this teaching and it was then taken to the Jerusalem Council for resolution. Paul and Barnabas would not let the gracekillers have their way with the new converts.

(A) Application
In his book, "The Grace Awakening" Chuck Swindoll describes people who add unbiblical demands to following Jesus as "Gracekillers." Anytime we add some work or action to faith it really does kill grace. I often wonder if I put unbiblical demands on people making following Jesus more difficult for them. In our churches do we demand a certain kind of dress or hair length or language? I try to be aware each day of what may be gracekillers in my life or from me into the lives of others. It is sobering to take a look at what I think and what demands I put others for following Jesus. Today I commit again to identifying and laying aside the gracekillers I find in my life. I have been set free to follow Jesus and to do his will and I should never submit to legalism again.

(P) Prayer
Lord, make me keenly aware for the gracekillers I experience in my life and especially of the ones I direct at others. Let me learn and teach following you by grace through faith. Amen

Friday, October 19, 2012

Life Journal 10-19-2012

My Heart's Desire

(S) Scripture
Acts 11:24
He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, and a great number of people were brought to the Lord.

(O) Observation
Barnabas was sent to Antioch to encourage the new believers there. In addition to being recognized as a Godly man he also led many people to the Lord. It is here that believers were first called Christians.

(A) Application
I am challenged by this passage. Barnabas was the encourager and it came from his commitment to the Lord and to the people he met each day. It is my desire to be the same kind of person. I want to lead many to Jesus and when I leave Charlotte I want to be known as a Godly man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith.

(P) Prayer
Lord, you know my heart and my deepest desire to be used by you to make a difference in the lives of people I meet for the kingdom. Help me to keep my focus on you and not be distracted from your call in my life. Amen

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Life Journal 10-18-2012

My Confidence and Hope

(S) Scripture
Job 4:6 (NASB77)
6  "Is not your fear of God your confidence, And the integrity of your ways your hope?    

(O) Observation
Job has just given a long lament wishing that he had never been born. His friend, Eliphaz comes and reminds him of some of the things he has done. He then asks Job this question, "Is not your fear of God your confidence, and the integrity of your ways your hope?" It is a reminder to Job that his confidence and hope are not in material things but rather in the spiritual realm.

(A) Application
It is good to be reminded of where my real strength comes from. Real strength comes from my relationship with God and all else is counterfeit. My reverence and awe of God reminds me that He is in control of all things and can do whatever He chooses. My responsibility is to trust and follow not lead. My confidence comes in knowing that the God of the universe is directing and leading and as I follow him with integrity I have hope. Hope is that sure, unshakable assurance that God is in control and I can trust Him. Given the hectic nature of this week and the pressures that come I am thankful for the gentle reminder of where my focus and trust need to be.

(P) Prayer
Father, you are the Holy One of heaven. You can do whatever you choose because of who you are. I stand in awe of you and kneel in reverence. Let me experience a confidence that comes from you as I walk by faith following you. Amen   

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Life Journal 10-17-2012

With Wisdom and the Holy Spirit

(S) Scripture
Acts 6:10 (NASB77)
10  And yet they were unable to cope with the wisdom and the Spirit with which he was speaking.

(O) Observation
Stephen begins to preach and some leaders of a synagogue want to argue with him. Stephen spoke with wisdom and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Because they could not win the argument they brought false witnesses against him and he was arrested.

(A) Application
In the face of opposition or criticism I must be sure that I am speaking with wisdom and in the power of the Holy Spirit. That requires preparation and a moment to moment commitment to following Jesus. The scripture addresses the use of the tongue in many places. It is important that when I speak it be with the wisdom and power of God's Spirit. Too often I want to jump in with a quick pithy comment that most often does not move the conversation forward. Rather a wise and timely word, empowered by the Holy Spirit, would help to move things along. The end may not be what I want, I am sure that Stephen was not hoping to be arrested and yet in it all God was glorified. I want the outcome of my conversations to bring the same result, that God is glorified.

(P) Prayer
Lord teach me when to speak and when to remain silent. Let me speak with wisdom in the power of the Holy Spirit. Let my conversations bring glory to you. Amen

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Life Journal 10-16-2012

Making an Eternal Difference

(S) Scripture
Acts 5:38-39 (NASB77)
38  "And so in the present case, I say to you, stay away from these men and let them alone, for if this plan or action should be of men, it will be overthrown;
39  but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them; or else you may even be found fighting against God."

(O) Observation
The disciples have been arrested again for preaching the gospel of Jesus. The religious leaders want to quiet them by force but Gamaliel advised them to stay away from this. The counsel he gave is in the scripture I chose for the day. "If this plan or action should be of men, it will be overthrown; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them; or else you may even be found fighting against God." The disciples after being flogged continued to teach and preach. The flogging was considered a sign to rejoice because it meant they were worthy to suffer for Jesus.

(A) Application
In our culture we very rarely consider suffering or punishment a reason to rejoice. Most often my suffering comes from my own selfishness and sin and that should not be confused with the suffering the disciples endured with joy. But what caught my attention today was Gamaliel's advice. "If this plan or action should be of men, it will be overthrown; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them; or else you may even be found fighting against God." As I look at all that I do in my life I must ask, "Is this from God and will it stand?" If I want to make an eternal difference in the lives of the people I meet then I must be about that which is from God and not just a great program someone has devised. In no way do I ever want to be fighting against God. I am afraid that sometimes we come dangerously close when we use slick "Wall Street" advertizing or allow pop culture to shape how I do ministry. Today I again make a commitment to do my best to be doing what God is blessing and not just asking God to bless what I am doing.

(P) Prayer
Lord my desire is to keep my focus on you and to do what you would have me to do. Amen

Monday, October 15, 2012

Life Journal 10-15-2012

Being Bold in the Face of Opposition

(S) Scripture
Acts 4:29 (NASB77)
29  "And now, Lord, take note of their threats, and grant that Thy bond-servants may speak Thy word with all confidence,

(O) Observation
The religious authorities have arrested Peter and John. The authorities cannot find them guilty of a crime so they release Peter and John but commanded them to stop preaching Jesus to the people. The disciples ask for confidence and boldness to speak God's Word in the face of opposition by those in authority. It seems that the religious authorities did not want any preaching of Jesus in the public square.

(A) Application
It seems that there are those in our country that are bent in removing any talk of Jesus and faith in Him from the public discourse. There are threats of lawsuits and boycotts that have been called for. Just a couple of years ago a group entered a church to disrupt the worship service because they didn't like the church's stance on their particular issue. We hear a great deal about the separation of church and state, a concept that I support. I do not think the church or state should have control over the other. When it has happened in history it has corrupted both the church and state. This separation does not mean the separation of faith and state. In the face of this kind of opposition it is important for me to continue to trust God for strength and protection and to preach with boldness and confidence. Those both come only as a result of walking by faith in the power of the Holy Spirit. Today I ask like Peter and John to speak God's Word with confidence.

(P) Prayer
Father, let me know your strength, protection and power in the face of all opposition so that I might preach your word with boldness and confidence. Amen


Friday, October 12, 2012

Life Journal 10-12-2012

My Task As A Pastor

(S) Scripture
Nehemiah 8:8 (NASB77)
8  And they read from the book, from the law of God, translating to give the sense so that they understood the reading.

(O) Observation
Ezra has called all the people together for the reading of the Word. It is interesting that in verse 2 this call went out to men, women and "all who could listen with understanding." This reading captivated the people and one great task for Ezra and the men at his side was to translate the Word in order for understanding to happen.

(A) Application
I remember one of professor in a "ministry formations" class say that part of our call was to translate the gospel into the language people can understand. That is an incredible responsibility to have and the New Testament says that teachers will incur a greater judgment. I am also sure that it is the responsibility of every Christian to square everything they hear with scripture themselves but still the responsibility to translate the Word so that the people can understand is sobering. I take this responsibility seriously and today recommit myself to the study and preparation necessary for good, honest, God honoring explanations of the Word.

(P) Prayer
Lord the task is great and I need your help and guidance as I prepare and deliver the messages each week. Let me be so full of You that the translation is consistent and empowered by the Holy Spirit. Amen

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Life Journal 10-11-2012

The Lord's Supper Is More Than We Think

(S) Scripture
Luke 24:35 (NASB77)
35  And they began to relate their experiences on the road and how He was recognized by them in the breaking of the bread.

(O) Observation
The men Jesus met on the road to Emmaus had no clue it was Jesus they were talking to. Their conversation was rich. I sure would like to have a recording of Jesus teaching about Himself from all the Old Testament. Even with all this they did not recognize Jesus until he broke bread with them.

(A) Application
I have often said that some churches and people make too much of the Lord's Supper or communion when it is the focus of their worship every week. But it also needs to be noted that too often some of us make too little of the Lord's Supper when it is just tacked on at the end of a worship service once a month or whenever we feel like it. The scripture says that "as often as you do this…" so that leaves the when up to the local congregation. I am not arguing for or against when we choose to celebrate the Lord's Supper but I am saying that for me as a Baptist it is more than just something we do out of rote. As the bread is broken and the cup is shared we should be recognizing Jesus and all that He has done for us. It is not just a cracker and juice but rather a memorial that points us to again recognize and remember Jesus. I never want the Lord's Supper to become routine. We will continue to celebrate it on the first Sunday of the month but as a pastor I never want to take it for granted or to lose it meaning in its repetition. My desire is for all to recognize Jesus as we share the Lord's Supper together.

(P) Prayer
Lord, help me to see you in new and meaningful ways each time I share in the Lord's Supper. Help me to never take you for granted or to minimize your sacrifice on my behalf. Help me to help others to see you clearly. Amen

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Life Journal 10-10-2012

Making the Tough Decision

(S) Scripture
Luke 23:13-24 (NASB77)
13  And Pilate summoned the chief priests and the rulers and the people,
14  and said to them, "You brought this man to me as one who incites the people to rebellion, and behold, having examined Him before you, I have found no guilt in this man regarding the charges which you make against Him.
15  "No, nor has Herod, for he sent Him back to us; and behold, nothing deserving death has been done by Him.
16  "I will therefore punish Him and release Him."
17  [Now he was obliged to release to them at the feast one prisoner.]
18  But they cried out all together, saying, "Away with this man, and release for us Barabbas!"
19  (He was one who had been thrown into prison for a certain insurrection made in the city, and for murder.)
20  And Pilate, wanting to release Jesus, addressed them again,
21  but they kept on calling out, saying, "Crucify, crucify Him!"
22  And he said to them the third time, "Why, what evil has this man done? I have found in Him no guilt demanding death; I will therefore punish Him and release Him."
23  But they were insistent, with loud voices asking that He be crucified. And their voices began to prevail.
24  And Pilate pronounced sentence that their demand should be granted.

(O) Observation
In the face of opposition from the people Pilate caved in and released Barabbas, a guilty man, and gave Jesus (who he and Herod had declared innocent) over to the Jews to be crucified. Pilate was more interested in keeping the people happy than in doing what was unpopular but right.

(A) Application
Sometimes I am called on to make a tough and unpopular decision. To be faithful and obedient to my call I must do what is right regardless of the circumstances. Like most people I want to be liked but sometimes I must make a decision that some will not like. It is much more important to please God than to please man. Today I again affirm my commitment to do the right thing regardless of the consequences to me rather than the expedient thing that might make me popular for a while.

(P) Prayer
Lord Jesus, in every decision I make I want to do what is right and pleasing to you. Grant me the discernment I need to know what is right and give me strength to resist the expedient. Amen.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Life Journal 10-09-2012

Hungering for the Presence of God

(S) Scripture
Luke 22:61-62 (NASB77)
61  And the Lord turned and looked at Peter. And Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how He had told him, "Before a cock crows today, you will deny Me three times."
62  And he went out and wept bitterly.    

(O) Observation
When Peter was made conscious of his sin by both a sound and then the Look of Jesus he wept and repented.

(A) Application
In the last couple of weeks I have been confronted with my failure to nurture my personal relationship with the Lord. In his book, "The Irresistible Church," Wayne Corderio says the first trait is that of a "hunger for God's presence." This past Friday I spent the day with Dr. Anthony Headley a professor at Asbury Seminary. Two of his books have impacted my life, "Achieving Balance in Ministry" and "Reframing Your Ministry." In both he emphasizes the need for the pastor to never neglect their personal devotional life. The trap is to study for messages for the church but to neglect that personal time with the Lord. It was some years ago that I began using the "Life Journal" as a means to foster and order my devotional life because the emphasis is on "How will I be different today because of what I have just read?" I had gotten away from that discipline and it shows at least to me. It was the voice of these two men that got my attention and then isn't it ironic that the reading this morning was about Nehemiah first confessing his sin and then about Peter's denial and repentance. Today I begin again hungering for the presence of God and seeking Him in His Word.

(P) Prayer

Lord you know me and my heart. Forgive me for neglecting my time with you alone. I know that apart from your presence I can do nothing of significance in your kingdom. It is my prayer that you use me to make a difference in people's lives so that they too might experience your presence. Let that hungering be infectious in our church. Amen