Saturday, October 25, 2008

40 Days of Love – Day 20

How to Be Truly Heard

Today marks the half way point in our 40 day journey. It has been a challenging 20 days for me. I have been confronted with how often I do not love others the way the scriptures teach. I have had to learn to slow down and look and listen; to give priority to others rather than to my schedule; to honestly express my emotions to God. I can say that these few days of practicing what I am learning have been rewarding. So my encouragement to you is to stay on the journey and practice what you are learning.

Today I was again reminded about a kind and compassionate touch. Many times words are inadequate and what is needed is simply a touch or hug that says, "you are not alone, we are in this together." I often underestimate to power of a touch. I never want to be one of the "lizardy" (my word)touchers, where people feel used or manipulated after the touch. An honest compassionate touch can bring a great sense of relief to a person. We should practice this more.

I am in awe of how Jesus controlled conversations, especially those that were intended for confrontation. You never see Jesus raising his voice or ranting. In fact most often he answered a question with a question. He simply would not engage in the hostile conversation to escalate it. He always used questions to point people to their need of a relationship with the Father. I think of how often I engage the hostility – seek to win the argument – want my point to be heard (after all it is the correct answer). I want to learn to ask those questions that stay with people and cause them to ponder their relationship with God. What good is it to win an argument and have the person die without Christ.

Lord help me today to learn how to touch people so they sense your presence and how to ask questions that point them to you. Help me to park my ego and really love people as you love me. Amen

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