Being Lowly
(S) Scripture
Psalm 138:6 (NASB77)
For though the LORD is exalted, Yet He regards the lowly; But the haughty He knows from afar.
(O) Observation
David in this psalm reminds us that God is high and lifted up. He is exalted above everything. But even in that high and lifted place He takes note of the lowly and distances Himself from the haughty and proud.
It seems that God draws close to the humble, those who trust Him, and stays away from those who trust in themselves or something else.
It is comforting to know that the God of Heaven chooses to come near and take care of those who trust Him. Nothing is beyond His sight and care for the lowly. The haughty are depending on their own devices and God simply observes from a distance. Nothing in the lives of the haughty escapes Him either but He keeps His distance.
(A) Application
What does it mean to be "lowly"? This is not an endorsement or call to be weak or shy or poor as the culture would define these things. To be "lowly" means to be "humble". Humility as I understand is to see yourself as God sees you, with strengths and weaknesses. We are to recognize that the Lord is the source of all we have and that we must depend on Him for the strength and power to use what He has given to us. We are to be aware of our weaknesses and know that His strength is made perfect in our weakness. In every way I am to trust God and never depend on my own abilities and devices. When I get haughty or proud God steps away and lets me go on my own and disaster will eventually come. When I am trusting and depending on the Lord, I experience His presence, strength and nearness. When God seems distant I can be sure that I have a pride problem.
Today I will examine my life to be sure I am trusting in the Lord and not in myself. I want to experience God's nearness continually and never for Him to be far from me.
(P) Prayer
Lord forgive my haughtiness and pride. Too often I forget that I cannot do anything on my own. Help me to trust you more and more each day. Thank you for giving me gifts and abilities that you can use in your kingdom. I ask that you draw near to me and use me today. Amen
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