Say Now to Mercy
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
Matthew 5:7 (NIV)
In his discussion of this beatitude D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones in his book of the Sermon on the Mount gives this insight into mercy. He teaches that "mercy" is allowing what breaks God's heart to break your heart. That speaks volumes to the reading for today on mercy. I agree with the author that integrity is removing the plank from your own eye first and mercy is then removing the speck from your brother's eye. The reason we remove the speck or at least try to do so is because the speck breaks God's heart. We are to be moved to action when we encounter things or situations that break God's heart because we love God and that demands that we love the people He created. How can we walk away from a hurting person without offering to help even as some personal risk. As the author said sometimes our mercy will be rejected or misrepresented or misunderstood but that cannot be allowed to keep us from showing mercy.
I wonder how often I have failed to show mercy because I left in a huff or thought the person deserved to hurt some more before a solution was offered. Too often I want my "pound of flesh" or I want someone to know just who does "have the power" or I just want some revenge. How ungodly are all of those reactions. It is interesting that even after acting that way I wonder why that person does not want to be around me.
When I show mercy I release all the negative and unrighteous feelings or desires that I have against the person. I give up my desire to get even or to get the upper hand. I release myself and them so that the relationship can grow and thrive. Interestingly enough when I show mercy to a friend I am likely to receive it back when I need it. Jesus really did know what he was talking about. When I show mercy I not only experience God's mercy in my life but I receive mercy from others, too.
What a great way to live!
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