Sunday, October 26, 2008

40 Days of Love – Day 21

Troubleshooting Communication

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.
Proverbs 18:21 (NASB77)

Today the author deals with responding to different kinds of attacks in your communications. Two of these lessons from Jesus I have tried to learn over the years but find them incredibly tough. Jesus never let himself be sucked into someone else's agenda. When he was being questioned or challenged or criticized he never responded in kind. He never played on their turf. With a statement or most often a piercing question he brought them onto his turf and in that changed the nature and direction of the conversation. Too often I catch myself responding or reacting to what someone says rather than looking for the underlying agenda. Too often I am quick to speak or correct or offer an answer or react to a critic and I find myself sucked into a conversation that will not have a positive ending. I find myself in these situations when I do not listen carefully and fully to what is being said and I jump to a conclusion that may or may not be accurate and once in the battle I do not retreat. This is a lesson I need to learn and practice.

The second is that in some situations Jesus remained silent. Here was the Son of God who knew the right answer and what should and needed to be said and yet he remained silent. There are some conversations that are just not worth having. There are some who are only trying to catch you in your words and then use them against you. Throughout Jesus' trials there are many times He was silent. He chose not to engage the conversation or accusation. I am quick to set the record right and that only fuels a bad situation at times. I am getting better but still need practice the discipline of keeping silent when speaking will not move the conversation forward to a godly end.

As the author says, "communication is tough" and it is not for the weak or faint of heart. Tough but rewarding and worth the risk. Lord, teach me when to speak and when to keep my mouth shut. Help me to understand what is really going on and to address the real agendas when appropriate.

What are you learning about communication?

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