Monday, October 13, 2008

40 Days of Love – Day 8

The Impossible Challenge

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
John 13:34 (NIV)

Will I ever be able to love like Jesus loves me? Probably not in this world but that is the command. It is not to "try your best" or to be "as good or better than others," it is to be like Jesus. I am well aware that I cannot do this on my own. I can only do this with God's power and that comes by being filled or controlled by the Holy Spirit. As the Holy Spirit guides me it is the love of God that flows through me. It is then that I can love from the overflow of my life. This truly is impossible apart from trusting God.

The "one another" passages of the New Testament make for an interesting study of how we are to treat one another. We are to love, encourage, pray and support on one side and exhort, rebuke and restore on the other. These passages give direction for both the positive and corrective side of relationships. We are responsible to our sisters and brothers. We are to encourage and correct – we are to hold each other accountable before God. This is not in a mean or condescending way but rather out of love so that we both are walking in fellowship with the Father and in the power of the Holy Spirit.

In order to live like this I must slow the pace of my life because busyness and hurriedness will keep me from seeing real needs and responding to them.

As I write this my schedule is getting more and more crowded and the pace seems to be hurrying forward. The devil challenges each decision I make by pushing me toward good things but at the expense of better things. It is an impossible task but all things are possible with God.

Lord, Help me to slow down today and to see and listen to the people around me. Help me to love you more and others like Jesus would today. Amen

What are you thinking?

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