Tuesday, October 14, 2008

40 Days of Love – Day 9

The Power of Jesus' Command

Next to the command of Jesus to love God with all we have and are and to love others as ourselves, this may be the most important idea or concept the author will give us concerning loving others. "You can't command emotion but you can command action." God is not asking us to feel something but rather to do something. Whether I feel like it or not I can choose to act in a loving way toward others. I can choose to hold my tongue, say a kind word, fix dinner or wash dishes. Those are all acts of love whether I feel anything or not. Interestingly enough my emotions do follow my actions. L cannot act in a loving way very long without feeling love. Love follows action. It is like the train illustration where the engine is fact (or action), the coal car is my faith (where I put my energy) and the caboose is my feelings. To get the train moving I must put my faith into actions and then feelings naturally follow. But if I put my faith into my feelings the train goes nowhere and all I get is a dirty caboose.

Today I will choose to act in live and trust that feelings will follow. Whether the feelings come fast or slow I will choose to act in love. I will remember that love is something that you do.

What do you think?

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