Monday, June 8, 2009

Life Journal 06-08-2009


(S) Scripture
The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride.
Ecclesiastes 7:8 (NIV)

(O) Observation
Solomon is giving some proverbs in this part of Ecclesiastes. He says that finishing is better than beginning and patience is better than pride. Both are true and our experience bears it out.

(A) Application
I am good at starting things and often do not finish them. Not finishing something is frustrating and depressing. It is exciting to begin something new but here we are told that finishing is even better. Patience to complete a task is better than the pride in beginning it. I am in the final stages of my Doctor of Ministry degree. I remember the excitement of beginning this program but now it is time to finish. I have put it off and begun new things and left the thesis unfinished. Today I am committed to finishing the degree and looking forward to the joy of completion.

(P) Prayer
Lord, You know how easy it is for me to procrastinate. Help me finish this task. I will trust in you for the stamina to continue and the wisdom to move forward. I want to finish this degree and no longer be satisfied with an incomplete project. Amen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm interested in noting the Hebraic parallelism that exists in this text, meaning that there must be a corrolation between "finishing" and "patience"; thus the relationship in the Proverb. There is a relationship. Both celebrate the journey; the process. Or to put it another way, as we work toward finishing, calm and quiet patience is needed. Anyone can start a project but to finish means that one has stayed with it. Anyone can have pride, but patience demands staying with a task and trusting God to see it through. As for your personal journey, I'll be praying for you. Have you considered inviting the leadership team to hold you accountable? Or to even withold your vacation request, etc. until you've made significant progress? Also, I'm surprised if the school allows you to continue delaying this without some sort of penalty. A school that is credible will gently move its students in a forward moving direction. I know you and I know you can do this!!!!