Saturday, June 27, 2009

Life Journal 06-27-2009

God Breathed

(S) Scripture
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,
so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NIV)

(O) Observation
In a charge to Timothy, Paul reminds him of the power and purpose and origin of God's Word. It is God breathed. It is the very breath or words of God and it is good got us in all ways.

(A) Application
One of the most exciting truths about the Christian faith is that we have a "Speaking God." He is not silent. He has not left us to our own devices trying to figure out what He desires. He has spoken to us and that word is recorded for us in His Word, the Bible. The Word is profitable for my life in all ways. That is why this time is of Bible Reading and reflection is so important. As I spend time in His Word I get to know Him better and I begin to understand more and more of what He desires from me as His follower. It is never wasted time when I am reading the Bible. Some names are hard to pronounce and some events hard to follow but it is not wasted time because I am getting to know Him a little better. Today I am thankful that God has spoken to us and then preserved His word for us in the Bible.

(P) Prayer
Lord, thank you for speaking to us. Thank you for preserving your word for us in the Bible. Give me the energy to do what you have said. Help me to keep sacred this time I have with you each day. Amen


The Prophet said...


"So Jehovah sent a plague on Israel, and died of Israel seventy thousand men. And the angel of Jehovah send Jerusalem to destroy it, but when he was destroying, and Jehovah repented look that bad, and said to the angel that destroyed: Stop, stop your hand. The angel of the Lord was with the age of jebuseo Oman. And David lifting up his eyes, he saw the angel of the Lord, that was between heaven and earth, with a naked sword in his hand, extended to Jerusalem. Then David and the elders fell on their faces, covered with sackcloth. "(1 Chronicles 21,14-16)

The remarkable progress that has AH1N1 flu around the world is proving that mankind has no weapons to combat this sudden illness.
The World Health Organization declared in June by the pandemic influenza AH1N1, the first pandemic in this century, and giving that appears posibiblidad others.
So far the cases recorded throughout the world are approaching the 60,000 people, the deaths from this disease is close to 200 people and affected countries are more than 110, America remains one of the most vulnerable continents.
Given this new scenario is presented to humanity, the church of Christ can not dodge, but even if this disease does not differentiate between believers and unbelievers.
But I think many Christians would agree with me that this "modern plague" is a punishment that God has unleashed on humanity that is increasingly turning away from Him Therefore the root of the disease that ravages the world is spiritual.
Indeed, one could say that the instrument that God is using to whip through the earth of this disease is "an angel".
In the Bible we see that God uses the angels as the instruments responsible for destroying a rebellious humanity. A clear example of this is seen in Los Angeles that destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19,1-25).
But in the passage from 1 Chronicles 21,14-15, is that God sends a plague on the nation of Israel which killed 70,000 people, and it is "an angel" destructive instrument.
It is not the first time that God does this, as it did on Pharaoh and on all the people of Egypt, sending a plague of death on their firstborn (Exodus 12,29-30).
We did against the Philistines, when they captured the ark of the God of Israel, wounding with a plague of tumors throughout the nation of the Philistines (1 Samuel 5, 8-12).
Later God punished the city of Bet-semes killing of Israel for having dared to 50,000 people to watch the ark of the LORD (1 Samuel 6.19).
In all these cases, the divine punishment occurred because the vulnerable human holiness of God, and only ceased when they repented of having sinned against God. The situation of the humanity of the twenty-first century is no different from the humanity of biblical times, and God has not changed his approach today.
God expects repentance of mankind, and if our generation is not to humiliate him, then the angels of God are always ready to make the Justice of God.
This scenario is where the Church of Christ throughout the world must be to pray and intercede for these poor humanity, and pray to God in his mercy to stop their destructive angel, nicknamed by the men as AH1N1 virus.
Example that we pray for Moses and Pharaoh Egypt, and God stopped her plagues.
Also King David Gold repenting of their sin, and the angel stopped destroying the city of Jerusalem.
What will the Church of Christ before this scourge of humanity suffers today?
"Christianity" is doomed to denominational apostasy.
But I believe that true Christians guided by the Holy Spirit to act to rescue and liberate all that can save humanity. This is the true Church of Christ, and you can stop the advance of this evil. Finally, the book of Revelation speaks to the angels will remain the executors of the trials of God (Revelation 15.1), and although God will continue to act with love and mercy to those who repent, God will also be released at this Humanity as the Judge of all the earth.

Robin Crouch said...

I wonder why you chose the "swine" flu virus when cancer, heart disease, HIV AIDS, and automobile accidents each kill more people per day than the flu has killed in total.
I am not sure it is helpful to the Kingdom to assign God's wrath to every disease or mishap.
Rememebr Jesus said it "rains on the just and the unjust" so I am not sure why you think the flu might distinguish between believers and unbelievers.
You will need a better argument than the one you presented to convince me or your premise.

Anonymous said...

I must have really missed something. Either "The Prophet" has been snorting too much fresh Michigan air or I'm really out of touch. What does the comment have to do with the blog? Dah????? But as an aside, should understand that there is a difference between "historical authority" in the Bible an "normative authority." H.A. simply reports what happened accurately. N.A. not only reports what happens but it suggests that it now serves as a precedent, pattern or command for every future generation. This story is about H.A. It happened and the angel did it. But it does not logically follow that every death, calamity, ec. is because of humanity's sin, except in a general way, since all pain, suffering, etc. is a result of "sin" as a force that has turned God's created order upside down. If the blogger is right then CA experienced forest fires last year because God was punishing them. And Ionia had flooding last week...big time sin going on up there????? Is "The Prophet" Pat Robertson who has just found this blog or is Jerry Falwell back from the dead?
"Bud is here"