How to Speak
(S) Scripture
But Micaiah said, "As surely as the LORD lives, I can tell him only what the LORD tells me."
1 Kings 22:14
Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Colossians 4:6
(O) Observation
In Kings, Micaiah has been encouraged to tell the king what the other prophets have said and not to upset the king. Tell him what he wants to hear. Micaiah responds by saying that he can only say what the Lord tells him to say. In the Colossians passage we are told that our speech must be full of grace and seasoned with salt. We are to speak the truth in love and it has an earthy practicality about it. It preserves and flavors life.
(A) Application
I must speak what comes to me from the Lord. This is important on Sunday but also must be true in my daily conversations as well. In both cases I must say what God has given me and it must be communicated with grace and seasoned with salt. It must be to help and not harm - to preserve and not spoil. I am thankful for this reminder to be bold in the proclamation of the truth but to do so with grace.
(P) Prayer
Lord let me proclaim your word with bold clarity and let my words be full of grace and practical for each situation. Amen
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14 years ago
1 comment:
I agree with your observation. Yet the question is, "how can one affirm that the message they receive is of the Lord?" Yes, I know we must pray, be sensitive to God's Spirit, etc. However, I have heard individuals make bold pronouncements in the name of "this is a message from God" that seems to be little more than subjective opinion that has been fueled by individual biases and prejudices. I have seen this in business meetings; heard it from pastors in pulpits, etc. The direct revelation that we receive from Holy Scripture is obvious. However beyond that, we tread on dangerous ground when we say "I have a message from the Lord." Your second reference is a solid text in that it tells us HOW to communicate however the primary text you selected calls attention to the WHAT we must communicate. This is where I sense that some individuals get into trouble. "Bud"
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