Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Life Journal 06-10-2009

Fearless Speech

(S) Scripture
Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel,
Ephesians 6:19 (NIV)

(O) Observation
In this letter Paul has written about both the personal and corporate nature of our faith in Christ. He emphasizes both the importance of growing as an individual in Christ and also being committed to the Body of Christ. He closes by asking these Christians to pray for him to be fearless whenever he speaks and that he will proclaim the gospel message.

(A) Application
Fearless speech is something I need. Too often I find myself soft pedaling the truth because of not wanting to offend someone or being afraid I might cause a stir. In having conversations about faith matters with people I need to be fearless in my speech. If Paul needed Christians to pray for him how much more do I need that prayer support. I thank God for the folks that pray daily for me and the ministry of First Baptist. I will ask them to pray specifically that I will be fearless and that words will be given to me so that I will proclaim the message of the Gospel to people who need to hear it.

(P) Prayer
Lord, Fill my mouth with the words You want me to speak. Give me the courage to speak them fearlessly, boldly and full of grace. Let me stand firm in You. Amen


Anonymous said...

I'm intrigued that this statement follows an earlier statement of Paul's regarding "speaking the truth in love." I fear that too many christians have aliented unbelievers by speaking the truth openly and boldly, but in a way that has constructed walls and not bridges. I agree that speaking the truth is critial to ministry....our minsitry at FBC and other places. However, may it always be done with the right tone and attitude, with all of us. As the old song says, "Let it begin with me." The Bud is Back

Robin Crouch said...

I cannot agree more. too often we use the truth as a weapon to harm or simply to WIN and argument. I must speak truth but it must be filled with grace.