Monday, January 4, 2010

Life Journal 01-04-2010

One Voice

(S) Scripture
Genesis 11:6 (NIV)
6 The LORD said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.

(O) Observation
This is the recount of the building of the "Tower of Babel" and the confusing of the languages in order to scatter the people. The people decided to remain in one place rather than scattering like God had said earlier after the flood. In this account though we see the power of people speaking with one voice.

(A) Application
When I have read this passage at other times I have seen this unity of voice as a negative because it kept the people from carrying out God's command. But today the flip side jumped out at me. When people are on the same page speaking with one voice nothing is impossible. Now there is a lesson for me as a leader in the church. If the church is to move forward and accomplish what God has for us then it will need everyone to be on the same page speaking with one voice. My role as pastor is to work to achieve this one voice and to be sure it is used to lead us into God's will and not away from it. There is great power in together and I must cultivate that in my life and in the life of the church I serve. It is this "one voice" power that will move us to being the church God desires us to be. That is how I want to lead.

(P) Prayer
Lord let me speak with one voice rather than many. Give me the consistency that is needed to lead this local church to be and do what you desire. Let us speak with one voice and accomplish great things for you. Amen


Anonymous said...

Does the "one voice" concept, in your opinion, insinuate achieving consensus? If so, do you see a correlation with the NT teaching that decision-making should be done this way? If so, should we do away with church votes, working to move towards "one voice"? Your thoughts??? "Bud returns from Christmas break." Missed you.

Robin Crouch said...

I could not agree more. In fact we do work by consensus on the Church Board. Consensus has to be the goal of all in the group if it is to work. without that goal one person can run an agenda and keep the whole group from ever making a decision or move forward. In my own life there have been times where I might not have fully agreed when all others were ready to move forward and so I gave my consent because of my trust in their judgment. Other times I have stood my ground because I was convinced the decision was not a good one or the direction was not the way we should go. But reaching consensus or "one voice" was the operating principle of the group.
Consensus building is much harder than simply winning a majority vote.