(S) Scripture
Genesis 35:14-15 (NASB77)
14 And Jacob set up a pillar in the place where He had spoken with him, a pillar of stone, and he poured out a libation on it; he also poured oil on it.
15 So Jacob named the place where God had spoken with him, Bethel.
(O) Observation
Jacob marked the place where God spoke to him with a memorial (a pillar). It would be a reminder of what happened at that place. Jacob would see the pillar and remember that God spoke to him there.
(A) Application
Memorials are things that remind us of something else. When I worked at Ole Miss (University of Mississippi) I needed to drive to Atlanta. I asked an older man for directions and here is what he said. "Stay on Route 6 through Mississippi and Alabama. When you cross into Georgia you will see a big chicken, turn right and that road will take you to Atlanta." I followed his directions not knowing what he meant by a big chicken but when I got into Georgia there was a 50 foot Chicken – It was the front to a restaurant. I turned right and got to Atlanta. That became a memorial for me because I knew that when I saw that chicken I could get to Atlanta. I know it is a silly illustration. In my life I have memorials. Every time I walk into the WV Baptist Camp at Cowen I am reminded that there is where I first sensed God's call in my life to pastoral ministry. When I look at my wedding ring I am reminded of the commitments I made to my wife and I am reminded of the love we share. I wonder what memorials I need to erect today to remind me of what God has and is doing in my life? Today I will look for a memorial to erect.
(P) Prayer
Lord, Thank you for the reminder today of how you have worked in my life. Thank you for those times where I placed a memorial so I wouldn't forget. Help me to remember to give thanks each day for your love and grace. Amen
Do you agree that in our non-liturgical, "free church" dealings, we often dismiss the importance of "memorials" that were such an important part of the OT worship? I'm intrigued that the book of Leviticus is filled with images relating to "memorials"....candles, incense, etc. which were symbols that carried a deeper meaning helping God's people recall, refocus and reflect. Why are we so dead against such things in the Baptist tradition? While we sometimes are critical of our liturgical brothers and sisters, I believe we need to recover some of the lost things....and I'm not really that old either. I love your illustrations about meaningful places that serve as memorials to you; but what about more liturgical elements that could remind the corporate community about the importance of remembering? Look forward to your thoughts. "Bud"
The issue I see is when a memorial becomes routine or common and it loses its meaning. When I got to the church Wheeling they recited the Lord's Prayer every week. The children tried to see who could say it the fastest - It had lost its meaning so I stopped the every week reciting of it. Later when we did recite it together it had new meaning.
I wounder what you would suggest concerning candles etc. in our worship and how do we introduce it appropriately.
I would be interested in what other corporate memorials you might suggest.
Anything to be done must be explained before introducing it. Sort of like introducing changes in any style of worship. Some examples: use of candles to symoblize the light of Christ, the use of art work and other banners that serve as celebratory symbols of our faith, the occasional recitation of The Apostles' Creed, the Lord's Prayer, etc.
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