Well Meaning But Mistaken Friends
(S) Scripture
John 18:10-11 (NIV)
10 Then Simon Peter, who had a sword, drew it and struck the high priest's servant, cutting off his right ear. (The servant's name was Malchus.)
11 Jesus commanded Peter, "Put your sword away! Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?"
(O) Observation
I have often wondered why when travelling with the Prince of Peace Peter would be carrying a sword. That is for another time. Peter evidently thought the Messiah's hour had come, that Jesus Christ was now ready to free Israel and establish the throne of David as the dominant nation in the world. When it did not seem that was going to happen peter took things into his own hands. Whether Peter was trying to push an agenda or just protecting his friend his action was in effect keeping Jesus from doing what God had sent Him to do. Peter was trying to help Jesus avoid a painful tough experience. Jesus understood both what God wanted and what Peter was doing. He rebukes Peter and moved ahead in God's will.
(A) Application
I wonder how many times I have tried to keep my friends from tough and painful situations that God wants to use to accomplish His purpose in them. I may be well meaning but I am mistaken. I wonder how many times I have let friends keep me from moving ahead with God's will because the way was painful and tough.
Jesus here shows and unswerving commitment to obedience. Today I am struck with how easily I am persuaded to take an easy or expedient path rather than to be obedient and take the route God has set before me. I must continue to pursue God's Will for my life and not let anyone keep me from it. Obedience is the key. That's easy to say and tough to do. I must obey God and not be swayed by well meaning but mistaken friends.
(P) Prayer
Lord, I confess that I have listened to friends instead of you at times. Forgive my disobedience and give me the wisdom I need to discern your will. Let me listen to my friends but obey only you. Amen
1 comment:
Some scholars have suggested that Judas may have also been attempting to motivate Jesus to usher in the Kingdom; thus the real reason behind his betrayal. What's up with those guys? They just didn't get it; what life in the Kingdom was really all about. Hmm....guess they're no different than we are. "Your Old Bud"
PS "We are Marshall!!" (Nah, not fearful of accountability at all, just having fun!)
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