Saturday, August 23, 2008

Life Journal 08-23-2008 Returning Home

Returning Home

(S) Scripture
Jeremiah 31:21
"Set up road signs; put up guideposts. Take note of the highway, the road that you take. Return, O Virgin Israel, return to your towns.

(O) Observation
Jeremiah is telling the people how to turn their mourning into joy. Here he reminds them to mark the way they are going so that they can find their way home.

(A) Application
This reminds me of the story of Hansel and Gretal. remember, they dropped the crumbs of bread so they could find their way back home. On our honeymoon Becky and I stayed at Blackwater Falls State Park in the mountains of West Virginia. One evening we took a walk and were still in the woods when darkness came. It was so dark that you could not see your hand in front of your face. we longed for a light. The only way to get back to out cabin was to walk along the road with one foot on the berm and the other on the pavement. I would trace the numbers on the posts marking each cabin until we got to ours. Not knowing how to get home was somewhat unnerving. Today we met our daughters and my mom at Myrtle Beach. Sarah and Ryan drove and used a GPS to get here. Bethany used mapquest to map out the way here and the way home. Becky and I arrived by plane. Those driving wanted to know how to get home and so they took the necessary measures.
Jeremiah tells us to do the same spiritually. Watch and mark the way so when you need to come home you can. When you lose your way the way home is marked. I want to always know how to return to the Lord when I have gone the wrong way.

(P) Prayer
Lord keep me close and show me the way. Help me to keep watch and to take note of the way so I can come home. Lord, I never want to stray from you. Your promise is that your word would be a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Let me walk in that light. Amen

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