False Hope
(S) Scripture
John said to the crowds coming out to be baptized by him, "You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath? Produce fruit in keeping with repentance. And do not begin to say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our father.' For I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham. Luke 3:7-8 (NIV)
(O) Observation
As John the Baptist begins his ministry he challenges the Jewish crowds that were coming to him. He told them not to even think that because they were Jews, children of Abraham, that they had any special standing before God. HE wanted them to know that they must decide for themselves to repent and that their family heritage did not make them right with God.
(A) Application
Many people think that because they live in America or go to church or have parents who are Christian that they must be "OK" with God. Nothing is farther from the truth. A family heritage of faith is good and helpful but we are each still responsible for deciding to follow Christ. I cannot receive God's forgiveness based on the faith decision of my parents, friends, spouse, church or anything else. I must decide to follow Jesus on my own. I cannot fall prey to the false hope found in the lie of the devil that I am right with God because of my family heritage.
My faith commitment to Jesus must be lived out each day. I must trust the Holy Spirit to fill and use me each day. I cannot rely on the faith of my parents; it must be my personal faith. I thank God for the heritage of faith my parents gave me but I must make that faith my own and live it each day.
(P) Prayer
Lord, I thank you for the example of faith my parents set for me. I thank you for a church family that taught me how to follow you. I thank you for your call in my life and for my personal faith in you. I thank you for your presence and provision in my life. Use me today to point others to faith in you that can transform their lives. Amen
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