Friday, January 30, 2009

Life Journal 01-30-2009

Growth God's Way

(S) Scripture
So the word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith. (Acts 6:7 NIV)

(O) Observation
When faced with a problem the twelve acted. They chose men of good reputation and full of the Holy Spirit to serve the people while they tended to the tasks of prayer, and preaching. As a result of each one doing what they should and no one trying to do it all the church grew and its influence spread.

(A) Application
This is a lesson for me. Sometimes it is easier for me to do a task than to let someone else do it. That takes me away from what I need to be doing. When people have a responsibility and ministry in the church they are much more committed to the Lord and church. They make connections with others and the church grows. IT is interesting that the text says the number of disciples grew – they were disciples not church members. I wonder if we are too often focused on growing members rather than disciples. Today I will again focus on helping others find their ministry and equipping them to do it rather that hoarding those things to myself. I want our church to grow in disciples and this is the way the Scripture shows to do it.

(P) Lord, help me to give up some things and allow others to minister in your name. Help me to equip them so they can be effective for you. Let our church grow in disciples. Amen

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