Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Life Journal 01-27-2009

What's In A Name

(S) Scripture
After Moses had sent away his wife Zipporah, his father-in-law Jethro received her
and her two sons. One son was named Gershom, for Moses said, "I have become an alien in a foreign land";
and the other was named Eliezer, for he said, "My father's God was my helper; he saved me from the sword of Pharaoh."
Exodus 18:2-4 (NIV)

(O) Observation
Moses gave his sons names that had meaning. Each name was a reminder of an important event in Moses' life. They are also evidence of God's presence and provision for Moses.

(A) Application
What's in a name. In one of the Upward Basketball devotions we asked the players the importance of their last name. Their responses were great and all in one way or another pointed to the fact that it tells who you belong to and the family you are part of. We then shared with the players how God wants them to have his name and be part of His family.

I have my father's first and last name and my mother's middle name. I am Robert Lee Crouch. My parents taught me from early on that my name meant something and that I had a standard to live up to because I was a Crouch. I mom's mother also reminded me that I came from Robinson stock too and that carried some responsibility too. I never felt burdened by this but have always known that with my name came some expectations. I did not always meet them but they are there nonetheless. My Dad taught me that, with the exception of family and a relationship with Jesus, your name was the only thing of real value you have. Your name means something to the people around you. It represents your character and reputation and it can be lost in a minute of selfish, ungodly behavior. As I reflect on this today I am reminded of how wise my dad was in teaching me to live a life of faith in Christ and to live with integrity in all my other relationships. There really is a lot in a name. I want my name to represent a life of faith and integrity.

(P) Prayer
Father, thank you for the lessons you teach me each day. Thank you for allowing me to be called your child because of my faith in your Son. Let my life be one of faith. Let my name point people to you. Amen

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