Monday, January 5, 2009

Life Journal 01-05-2009

Too Busy To Pray?

(S) Scripture
But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. Luke 5:16 (NIV)

(O) Observation
In the reading for today Jesus is going from place to place doing all sorts of ministry. People are all around him. The needs are great and yet in the middle of this hectic pace of life we find this nugget of truth "But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed." Jesus left the people and his disciples and found a quiet place to pray. He did this to renew his spirit and to maintain his relationship with and dependence on the Father.

(A) Application
If Jesus needed to get away from the people and pray how much more so do I need to do the same. Howard Hendricks, professor at Dallas Seminary, said in a leadership seminar I attended, "You can never do enough for people if you are always surrounded by people." That is what Jesus is modeling in this passage. We need to get away from the hectic pace of life and spend time with the Father and we need to do it often. I think it was Martin Luther who said, "I have so much to do today I cannot afford to spend less than three hours in prayer." My take is that if you have that much to do – get at it! He is right and I am wrong. I must take time to pray – often. These are not quick prayers on the way to doing something but rather times devoted only to prayer. Today I want to begin this practice that was so important to Jesus. If it was important to Him then it should be important to me.

(P) Prayer
Lord, you know how impatient and scattered and hectic my life can be. Forgive me for neglecting my time with you. Help me get this right. I know that you do not coerce but I ask that you nudge me and remind me of my need to spend time in prayer with you – often. Amen


Anonymous said...

You are correct was Martin Luther who made that statement. Yet, isn't it also important to remember that prayer is more than just getting away and talking with God. To "pray without ceasing" is to go through every moment of every day with a "God-consciousness" in our lives. It's being aware of his Spirit, voice, leading, direction, and more. It's practicing "God-thinking" and "God-focus" 24/7. I agree that the quiet times are vital and crucial to life and ministry (for those involved in ministries). Yet, praying without ceasing opens up a whole new dimension. Am I correct or am I missing something?
The Old Bud returns from Christmas Break!

Anonymous said...

I agree that we are to "pray without ceasing" and I think you have a good point. Here, though, Jesus went often to a lonely place and prayed. I think you would agree that Jesus would have practices "praying without ceasing" better than any other and he needed this time alone with God.