(S) Scripture
For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted."
Luke 14:11 (NIV)
(O) Observation
Jesus is teaching about pride and humility and how to act. In this he speaks clearly so all can understand. Evidently we are a lot like his audience, wanting the "premium" seats – the places of honor. We want people to serve us and to recognize our importance. Jesus says to watch out because someone may come who is more important than you think you are and you will be embarrassed by being asked to move to a lesser seat. Better to take the lesser seat and be moved to a greater seat Jesus says, then all will see how important you are.
(A) Application
I bowl on Monday nights. This league gives me intentional contact with men that are not in church. It took more than a year for many of them to feel comfortable talking to the "preacher". Now I am just "Robin" and I have their respect because I have lived my faith consistently before them. Those of you who know me know that I hate to lose, I hate to get beat. These men take great delight in "humbling" me from time to time. I generally compete very well but there are those nights when you get knocked down a bit. I average 183 and just when I think I am getting pretty good I throw a 120 game. Humbled. My grandfather said it this way, "You ride a high saddle you have a long way to fall."
In this passage Jesus says that when you think you are something, God will humble you. I wonder what I have missed because of a proud or arrogant spirit. I have learned that humility is "seeing yourself as God sees you". That is with your weaknesses and strengths. A humble spirit is one that knows that without Christ they can do nothing. It is like Jesus said in John 15, "without me you can do nothing." Humility is actively trusting God for all the issues of life. It is allowing God's Spirit to fill (control) our lives. It is walking by faith moment by moment. When I live like that Jesus says I "will be exalted."
Today I will check my ego at the door of God's grace and trust His Spirit to fill and use me. I want to serve God whatever that means. Today I will live my life for him.
(P) Prayer
Lord, You know how proud I can be and how easy it is for me to exalt myself. Forgive me when I am being like that. Make me aware of my pride and let me follow you fully each day. Amen
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