Thursday, December 4, 2008

Life Journal – 12-04-2008

Watch Your Mouth

(S) Scripture
Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, that it may give grace to those who hear. Ephesians 4:29 (NASB77)

(O) Observation
Paul has given a long list of things involved in the Christian's walk with God. In this list he addresses our speech. He is quite clear and leaves nothing to be misunderstood. The word "unwholesome" means "rotten". As Christians we are to build up and edify not tear down and destroy. We are to give grace not kill it in others.

(A) Application
In every situation and circumstance I am to use words that edify. That speaks to my sarcastic humor and kidding around where "put-downs" are the norm are not permitted. I am called to build up not tear down. I heard a teacher say that, "behind every sarcasm is a note of truth." I don't want to believe that because it means that my joking around really did and does hurt people. It is not just in sarcasm though. There are the harsh and mean words we speak in anger and frustration. There are the rumors we pass based on something less than the truth. In the past election I received many emails about Obama that were not based in truth and yet they were passed along by well meaning people who had not checked to truth of the allegations. Have you seen the look on a child's face when they are put down by an adult? Our words are mighty weapons that can wound deeply. The old saying about "sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me" simply isn't true.

As a follower of Jesus I am called to build up and encourage and life and inspire people with my words. This is something that I try to practice and yet I still find myself falling short too often. Today I will again focus my attention on lifting up rather than putting down people. I know that it is only with God's power that this can happen in me.

(P) Prayer
Lord, help me to watch what I say so that it is positive and wholesome. When I get negative make me so aware that I will again turn to you and confess my sin and begin again lifting people up. Amen

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