(S) Scripture
promising them freedom while they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by what a man is overcome, by this he is enslaved.
2 Peter 2:19 (NASB77)
(O) Observation
Peter is writing about the dangers of false teachers and false teaching. He finishes with this pithy statement, "for by what a man is overcome, by this he is enslaved." What overcomes us enslaves us. That is a powerful and incredibly insightful statement. We are enslaved by what overcomes us. When I am overcome by fear I am a slave to it.
In this passage the people promising freedom (to do whatever I please) were themselves slaves to corruption. We hear people today talk about being free and yet they are slaves to their addictive behaviors.
(A) Application
This is such a key teaching for my life. I am free in Christ and yet I give myself to slavery every time I am overcome with something. I am a slave to food when I am overcome with the desire to eat. I am a slave to laziness when I refuse to exercise. I am a slave to anger when I let anger overcome me. When I am overcome by despair I am a slave to despair. The only way to freedom is in my relationship with Christ. He has set me free from sin and my slavery to it. Why would I give myself to slavery again after being set free? I do so because I have lost sight of God's work in my life. I have forgotten the forgiveness I received from Him. I ignore his command to follow. When I do those things I find myself back in slavery again. Today I want to live free. I am reminded that "… because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world" (1 John 4:4 NASB77). Today with God's help I will not give in or be overcome by those things that will enslave me.
(P) Prayer
Lord, you know how weak I am in these areas. I need your strength today. Remind me when I am about to fall into slavery. Break those bonds of slavery in my experience again today like you did when I received you as my Savior and Lord. Let me live fully for you today. Amen
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