Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Life Journal 06-11-2008 It's Good to Remember

It's Good To Remember

(S) Scripture
Philippians 1:3 (NIV) 3 I thank my God every time I remember you.

(O) Observation
Paul was moved to Thanksgiving when he thought of the people of Philippi. They had meant so much to him - they supported his ministry and worked with him. He was moved to thank God for them each time he remembered them.

(A) Application
Today I will take time to remember those who have supported me and worked with me in my ministry and life. I will attempt to reconnect with some of them I have not spoken with in years. I am who I am in large part because of their investment in me. It is good to remember.

as Father's Day approaches one I will not be able to talk with is my Dad. He gave so much to me. He lived as an example of what a father should be and what a Christian should be. He taught me lessons of life and faith that continue to shape me today. I thank God for the heritage he gave me. It is good to remember.

(P) Prayer
Lord, So many have poured themselves into me, let me do the same for others. Thank you for Dad and the example he set. Let me do the same. Amen

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