Monday, June 2, 2008

Life Journal 6-2-2008 Passing Judgment

Passing Judgment
(S) Romans 14:13 (NIV) Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way.

(O) In this passage the Holy Spirit through Paul tells us to stop doing what comes way too easy for most of us, passing judgment on our brothers and sisters. Passing judgment on them does not get them or me to where God wants us to be. There is a better way - Decide, make a conscious decision, not to put a stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way. Find ways to connect with them, continue to love them.

(A) I can be so quick to pass judgment on people and that really accomplishes nothing productive except it make me feel superior to them and that's not right either. I find it interesting that many people I know are most judgmental about behaviors that they have or are personally struggling with. Rather than passing judgment I am to decide to look for ways to help my brother and sister. This does not mean tat I am to condone or enable their sinful behavior but I am to look for ways to connect with them and help them to restoration with the Lord.

This is really difficult when the behavior is openly sinful and harmful but I must remember that an accusing finger only builds barriers. A loving rebuke is much different than an accusing finger.

(P) Lord, give me wisdom and remind me to build bridges rather than to condemn and judge my brothers and sisters. Amen

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